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He nods.

“Fine.” I rack my brain on how I should approach this. “LSMP is the fastest growing clothing line in the past three years. It covers everything from professional, casual, kids, and everything else in between. It’s a local brand that started here in Alabama. Now, it’s moving across the United States and with your status it will help you and us make it a household name.”

“That’s not what I meant. I know all of that already because I did my research too. I want to know why I should work with you, sweetheart.”

Ugh. Every time he says that pet name I want to scratch his eyes out. I can see he is only doing that on purpose. It makes my blood boil, and I don’t know if he’s going take the deal or not. What do I have to lose. “Fine, you want me to play your little bad-boy game? Well, guess again. If you want to know why you should work with me, it’s because I’m the best. So, I’m tired of your run around game. Are you in or out?”

“I’m in,” he says bluntly.

“Wait, really?” I don’t know if he’s joking or not.

“Should I change my mind? I already decided what I was going to do before I got here.”

“Then why did you do that?” my voice rises. “Are you always a jerk?”

“That was not me being a jerk, Kinley. That was me finding out how passionate you are about your job. But stick around. You’ll see the jerk soon enough.” He winks at me.

“I’m not surprised that I’ll see that side of you soon. Now, sign these, and I can start this.” I pull the papers out of my bag.

“Has Mike read these?”

“Yes, these are the same ones I sent him.” I watch him thumb the pages. “So, are you going to sign them? Sorry, there’s not a stripper bonus in this contract. Just hard work, and a lot of free clothes.” I sneer at him.

“Ha, ha.” He eyes me for a moment. “This project is big for you, isn’t it? You have something riding on the success of this, don’t you? Maybe you should stay for lunch, tell me about that, and give me a reason to behave.”

I roll my eyes. Like I’m going to tell him anything. “The only agenda of mine, that you need to know, is when you need to show up for promotions and shoots. Plus, I’m not hungry. Sign it.” I push the contract right under his nose. He smirks as he signs his famous name on the line, and my heart is still racing. When he is done, I grab it and leave. I don’t even look back as I walk back to my car.

Once I’m in it, I clap my hands together and do a girly scream.

I did it.


“Wait, what?” I stare at my boss.

“Here are your tickets for the rest of the season. If Carson and you are going to work this campaign, then you need to know about hockey and him. So, here you go.” He tosses the large envelope on my desk and walks away.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” I mumble looking at all the tickets. I’m thankful that football season is now over because I sure as hell didn’t want to miss any of those games.

I text Cassie and tell her I need some girl time. As I hit send, my phone rings.

My mother.

Of course, she would call me at this very moment.

“Mama, how are you?”

“Don’t play coy with me, Kinley. I’ve heard a rumor.” That statement never shocks me. In fact, Mama’s conversations usually start that way.

“What is it?”

“You were having lunch with a hockey man in the city. People saw you. Why haven’t you told me that you have a boyfriend?”

I’m glad that I’m on the phone because I roll my eyes. “Mama, I don’t have a boyfriend. That was a business lunch. Plus, how in the world do you know this?”

“Kinley.” There’s no need to go on with that sentence. My mama knows everyone and everything that happens in Birmingham and the surrounding areas.

“I promise you, if I had a boyfriend, I would tell you.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance