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“Okay,” Tyler starts. “Teach me your ways, wise one. Where did you learn to do that, Kinley?”

“We played a lot in college,” she answers. “Next time don’t pick such a lame game and you won’t lose.”

“Where did you go to college? ‘Bama?”

“Roll tide, baby.”

Tyler holds up his fist and they fist bump as he excitedly tells her, “I transferred there my junior year. Awesome school.”

“No way! That’s so cool. When were you there?”

“I transferred in 2009 and got signed the next year.”

“Oh, I had already graduated, but I can’t believe you went there. You need to teach Carson a thing or two about Roll Tide Pride.”

“I don’t need to learn anything,” I let her know quickly. “I already know everything about Alabama that I need to know,” I finish with a smirk.

In a monotone voice, she smarts back, “The only thing you’ve learned is how to tell which ‘Bama girls are easy.”

“Like I said, I already know everything.”

Tyler gets a little closer to her by leaning towards her. “We’re not all like him, Kinley. Don’t let him make you think otherwise.”

“Tyler, are you saying that you’re the exception?” she flirts.

Tyler leans further to whisper in her ear and all I can hear are a few words that make Kinley giggle afterwards. “….show…real man.”

Cassie bumps my elbow with hers. “Carson, are you getting the feeling we’re being left out of a joke?”

Ignoring her, I narrow my eyes at my teammate. “Tyler, are you ready to go meet the models? I mean, you came all this way and no offense, girls, but it wasn’t to chat with y’all.”

“Hang on, we have to pay the tab first for losing to these beautiful ladies.”

We slide out of the booth and once we arrive at the bar, Tyler glances back. I follow his gaze to find Kinley returning his smile. “She’s not nearly as bad as you made her out to be, Carson.”

“Wait until you’re sober and working with her.”

“Well, I’m enjoying her right now, so I think I’m going to go back to the table.” He pats the bar twice and leaves me waiting for my card to be returned.

Watching Tyler walk to a smiling Kinley, my gut wrenches. There’s something about the sight of them together that I don’t like and it pisses me off. Maybe Tyler doesn’t want to go enjoy a model, but I sure do.

Chapter Seventeen


I fluff my hair in the mirror. I smooth out my black capri pants and red tank top when the knock on the door pulls me away.

“Tyler, hey, come in.” I step back from the door and let him in. “Give me a second, I need to grab my purse.”

“Take your time.”

I had a great time with Tyler last night after Cassie and Carson left, and I’m excited to go out to dinner with him.

When we walk out of the room, he takes my hand and guides me to the elevator. I get a small thrill through my veins feeling his soft hands. I would have thought a hockey player’s skin wouldn’t have been so baby-like. Tyler hails a cab, and we go to a small Italian restaurant a few miles away from downtown.

“Where did you find this place?” I ask when we walk in. The smell of pasta and bread overtake my senses.

“Carson and I found this place when we came here and played last season.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance