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“Or so?” Cassie questions me.

“Okay, so maybe it’s closer to a year.”

“Oh my word, a year?” Cassie shouts, and the people next to us look over.

“Keep your voice down.”

“No wonder you’ve been a bitch. Go to that guy right now and ride him like a horse.” She points to the guy at the end of the bar.

I slap her hand down. “Enough,” I hiss at her. “I’ve been busy, and I’m not a bitch.”

Cassie stares at me.

“Okay, I’m not that big of a bitch,” I recant.

“Kinley, you need to loosen up. I mean, come on. You’re still in your twenties, have fun, and stop being a damn adult all the time.”

“When was the last time you got anything?” I fire back at her, trying to deflect the truth that she’s telling me.


“What?” It’s my turn to shout.

“Yep, I met a guy down here. We had a nice conversation, and then we went back to my room.”

“Oh my God, you’re like a female Carson Lee.” My eyes widen.

“Oh please.” Cassie rolls her eyes at me. “I remember everything you did after your divorce, and that’s calling the kettle black.”

I hang my head. After Elliott and I ended our relationship, I did go wild. A lot wild. However, I’m tamer now, and I don’t do all of that anymore.

“Hi.” I turn my head to the greeting of the man that sent me the drink.

“Hi.” I smile politely.

“I’m Peter.” He sticks his hand out.

“Kinley.” I gingerly shake his hand.

“Wow, that’s a thick southern accent.” Peter smiles.

“I was just leaving.” Cassie jumps from her stool and takes off. I hate when she does that.

“Hope I wasn’t interrupting anything.”

“No, it’s fine. Have a seat.”

The conversation is the normal bar-first-meeting questions. What do you do for a living? Are you married or in a relationship? Are you from here? Where did you go to school?

Peter is a car salesman for a high end dealer and is here on business. He’s from Illinois, and thankfully not in a relationship. Or so he says. He’s funny, and I do have a good time. However, the whole time, I think about what Cassie said. I’m not old, nor a prude of any type. I still have a little wild streak in me, and tonight I’m

going to be that girl again.


The sun is bright in my room as I open the door for Peter to leave. Surprisingly, I’m not tired, even though I stayed up almost all night with him. But I’m sore, and thankfully I can rest today. He gives me a sweet kiss and is about to walk out when Carson’s door opens.


Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance