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“I have experience being in them.” He looks at me as if I’m heading to the looney bin. “But if you don’t want my help, I’ll go.”

“No, stop.” I hate that I might need his help. “I…I’m a little overwhelmed right now,” I tell him honestly. “We lost the booking for the first place, and I hate rushing around. I’m stressed out.”

“How about I give you some advice?” He takes a step closer to me, and I nod. “This is a lot like a playoff game. It’s stressful, things don’t always go as planned, and everything is on the line, right? So you need to take a deep breath, focus on whatever needs to be done first, and then do it.”

I take in his words, realizing he’s right. I’m beginning to hate it when he is this way. “You know what, thank you, Carson. I mean it, that really helped, and I would love to have your input on this.” I give him a smile.

A huge grin appears on his face. “I win.”


“You just smiled.” He points at my face, and I didn’t even realize I had done it. “That’s smile number two, Kinley. I win.”

“Son of a,” I stop myself before I finish the cuss word and sigh. “It wasn’t a real smile. It doesn’t count,” I try to explain to him, even though it’s a lie.

“Yes, it does. You didn’t list any qualifications for a smile. A smile is a smile and it counts. Don’t be a sore loser.” He winks at me.

I narrow my eyes at him and hiss, “Fine, whatever, I’ll cook you dinner. But right now, you’re helping me.”

He chuckles and nods. “What’s first?”

“Well, considering I have you all spread out on this bed, we’ll start here.” I walk over to the spare bed.

“Spread out, bed, and start here are my favorite words to have in one sentence.” He uses his seductive tone with me.

“Ugh, Carson, focus with the head on top of your shoulders and not the other one.”

“I am. That was a pretty mild comment thanks to the head on my shoulders. Could have been worse.”

“I’m sure that it would have been. Now, let’s focus.”

It took several hours, but with Carson’s help, I’m able to finish and not stay up all night. All the mock boards, with the clothes and models names, were ready to go. I had all the confirmations that I needed for the props and the camera for the commercials ready. I even checked the weather and it looks like a beautiful week.

“Carson, thank you for everything. I mean that too,” I say, opening the door. He really did help me out a lot.

“You’re welcome.”

I want him to know I’m sincere, so I give him a quick hug.

“I deserve a little something extra since I got a hug out of you too. Next thing I know, you really will want to start with the bed.”

“You’re an idiot, Carson Lee.” I step away from him. “Never, and I mean never, will you and I be in a bed together. Ever. And if you want something extra, all the models are down the hall. I’m sure they’ll give you whatever you want.”

“I was talking about dessert, like cake, but I think I like your idea better.” He smirks at me. “Maybe I will do that. If there is one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s never say never. Just saying.”

“Typically, I would agree with you but this is one bet I would win. Plus, I’m saying again, never, ever, will that happen,” I say more firmly.

“Only in your dreams, right?” his voice is low and seductive. Like he thinks that’s going to work on me.

“More like a nightmare in my eyes. Goodnight.” I push hard on his chest, shoving him out the door and slam it shut.

On the other side, I can hear him laughing.


“I’m burning up, Kinley,” Carson yells from on top of the rock he’s perched on.

“Shut up, Carson,” I holler back at him.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance