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We hang up and I do as I said I would. After practice, Elliott is coming over so he can get his ass started on what I’m hiring him for. I really hope he doesn’t come armed with more jokes. The image of Kinley laying into him like she does to me ha

s me nearly dying in laughter. I could picture him with a deer in the headlights look.

Practice seems to pass by extra slowly today even though we’re working hard. It runs a little late, so I decide to shower at home. Then I’ll for sure be there when Elliott arrives and then Kinley. I take a quick one and just as I wrap a towel around my waist, I hear the doorbell ring.

I open it to Kinley, surprised to see her in fitting jeans and a low cut shirt. She loves to show off what she’s got and it’s not a bad sight. Her mouth parts as she takes in the fact that I still have drops of water on my bare torso and only a towel wrapped around my waist. Her eyes leisurely look over me and nearly glaze over with desire.

Leaning against the doorframe, I grin. “You’re early. Eager to see me? You can look all you want, sweetheart, but you might want to come inside first.”

She glares before stepping into my home.

Chapter Seven


Holy shit.

I thought all the times I’d seen him without his shirts were photoshopped. Well, I’m wrong because he’s real. Really real. Now I can take in his left arm’s full sleeve tattoo. At the top is a large Stanley Cup with a few players around it. Down his arm are a set of hockey sticks, a puck, the Alabama Blacksmiths logo, a goalie mask, and several dates that I don’t know what they mean. Then there is a fresh tattoo on his forearm with the name Gracie.

His mom?

Or sister?

“We need to get to business, Carson.” I rush out and hope that I’m not drooling over his gorgeous body. “That’s why I’m early. I know the playoffs are going to start soon, and I want everything nailed down before the summer.”

“The reason I gave you a time was because I knew when I would be ready, you know.”

“Well, go get ready.”

“Want to watch? I know it’s only a towel, but I could still give a good strip tease.”

“Carson, I just ate. I’m in no mood to puke. Thanks.”

“Suit yourself. My other meeting hasn’t even happened, by the way. You can wait in the kitchen.” We walk into the kitchen just as the doorbell rings. “Let me get that first.” I’m sure it’s some chick coming over to do whatever he does with them.

My heart stops when I see who it really is. “Oh my God, Birmingham is too damn small,” I mumble as I see Elliott standing there with Carson.

“Everything okay, sweetheart?”

Of course, he would say sweetheart at this very moment. “Go get dressed. We’ve got a lot to do.”

Carson winks at me and leaves me alone with Elliott. Awkward doesn’t even begin to cover the feelings I’m having right now.

“Hi, Elliott.”

“Kinley. You look…nice.” He looks me up and down as if he isn’t sure if I do or don’t.

“Thanks. How’ve you been?” I pray that Carson hurries.

“Good, you know, just working a lot. Actually, you would know about that.” He slightly sneers at me.

I drop my head. I hate that I hurt him so much. I’d known him since high school. When we went to college, we started dating. It was a good relationship, and I did love him, but I wasn’t in love with him. When I graduated college and started working at LSMP, I knew that this is the life I want. Not worrying about laundry, having kids, or any of that.

“What are you doing here, Kinley?” I can hear the hurt in his voice.

“Carson is the newest spokesman for our fall line. I’m here to go over plans with him.” I don’t need to tell him that, but I owe him at least a small explanation.

“In a towel?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance