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I hug Bonkers’ tense body closer to me. He thinks I should get rid of him? No way. Mick grabs the remote off the coffee table and sits in the recliner. “What are you doing?” I ask while Bonkers continues to growl.

“There’s a football game on tonight. We’re watching it.”

“Like hell we are. I’m not about to miss one of the first games of hockey season for a football game.” Bonkers is still making a fuss, so I get up to let him out and Mick follows me outside onto the porch.

“I don’t want to watch a hockey game. I told you it’s nothing more than figure skating with sticks. Why would you want to watch ice skating over football? Does this have to do with your new hockey player next door?”

“Seriously, Mick. I’m a hockey fan and I want to watch the game.”

“And I’m a football fan. I want to watch the game,” he retorts. “It’s not even your team playing, is it?”


“Then why the hell do you want to watch it?” Mick raises his voice at me.

“That doesn’t matter! I love hockey. I want to see it.”

“I love football, but I don’t want to watch every damn team play. I came over to see you and watch football on your big screen, not some shit sport you like. I don’t get why you love it so much anyway.”

Calmly, I answer, “If you can’t even see that hockey is important to me, then this is pointless. Go home, Mick. You give me a headache.”

“I don’t have time for your shit anyway. Have fun with your new friend next door.”

He walks back through the house, and I hear the door slam a moment later. Bonkers runs up to me, his tail just a-waggin’. I sit down in one of the angled chairs that sort of faces Brody’s backyard. And there’s Brody, standing on his back porch facing my direction, cooking something on his grill.

When he looks up, I call out, “I guess you heard all that?”

“Yeah, most of it.”

“Sorry. I never realized how bad of a neighbor I am.”

Brody laughs. “It’s okay.” After a moment, he says, “Did you really break up with him over sports?”

I chuckle when I realize that he’s partly right. There was more to it than that when you look at the big picture though. “I guess I did.”

“I know why hockey is so important to me. I mean, I play it for a living. Why does it mean so much to you?”

Standing, I question, “You’re asking because you’re curious, right?” He nods. “Sorry, Brody. I can’t tell you something like that to satisfy your curiosity. Good luck tomorrow.” With that, I walk inside with Bonkers on my heels and make it to the couch as the puck drops to kick off the season.

He may be Brody Ross, captain of the Indiana Mustangs, my favorite team, but I can’t casually share that with him over a fence between our yards. Bonkers jumps on the couch, momentarily distracting me.

“Let hockey season begin,” I tell him as he lays down with his face towards the TV. I swear, he actually watches. Mick always thought I was crazy for leaving the TV on for him when I leave, but I think he watches, so I do. Especially when I’m gone at the hockey games, I’ll leave it on that channel so he can see it too.

During a co

mmercial, I text Allison. “Sleaze is gone forever. Come over during the intermission to watch the game with me.”

A moment later, she replies.

Allison: Hell yeah! Be over soon.

This is what I need. No Mick. Just hockey and my best friend.

Chapter Four


I double check myself in the mirror. The suit is too tight in the arms. I need to take it back to the tailors. All my equipment is at the arena, and all I have to do is walk in. I check my watch and realize I need to hurry up. Coach told us to be early because we have to walk the Mustang red carpet event. I hate these things, but it’s for the fans. I shouldn’t complain if it’s for them. It’s just walking a few extra yards.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance