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Bradley’s jaw drops. “Wow.”

“Yeah, exactly,” I mutter.

“It’ll be over soon. All we need is the test results and it’ll all be over.” Brody seems to be speaking to me more than anyone else. I lean into him, hoping it’ll relax me, but it’s not enough.

“Right. Brody’s right. It won’t be long until she’s no longer a problem. I’m going to hang out at your place for a while, Brody. Might go out later to drive around and explore. I’ll see you two later.”

I don’t want him to feel like he has to leave. After all, he’s been here helping me. “You don’t have to go just because Brody is here. You’re more than welcome to hang out with us. Unless you want to go, of course.”

Bradley chuckles. “I’m sure you’ve had enough of me already. Don’t have too much fun without me.” He waves before turning and leaving us.

Bonkers whines a little when he closes the door. Brody kisses my shoulder and then walks around, holding his hand out. I take it easily, but once he starts leading me up the stairs, I have to say something. I’m in no mood for sex. I wish I was, but I’m not.

“Brody, I’m not-”

“We aren’t,” he interrupts.

“Then what are we doing?” I ask, confused.

“I need you to relax, baby. That’s what we’re going to do.”

What? We enter my room and before I can question him, he tells me to undress from the waist up and lay on my stomach on my bed. At this point, all I want is to relax and I trust him, so I do as he asks. Brody leaves me, but returns seconds later. Bonkers jumps onto the bed and lays at my feet. The bed sinks a little with Brody’s weight. I feel his legs on either side of me, hear the top of a bottle opening, and then feel something cool being drizzled on my back.

Brody’s voice is soft, just above a whisper. “So glad you had massage oil in your bathroom.”

He leans over, and I see him set the bottle on my nightstand. Then his large, calloused hands are on my back, mixing with the oil. Thanks to that oil and his warm hands, my skin heats up and begins to tingle. I moan into my pillow as he

kneads into my shoulders. Brody chuckles at my response. He’s so good at this. I can’t help it. I almost want to shiver when his hands move down to my lower back, massaging as he moves back up.

“You’re amazing,” I mumble, my muscles are starting to loosen up.

“Feels that good, huh?”

“Mmm.” That’s all I can say.

Brody laughs softly, but his hands don’t stop moving. It takes about forty-five minutes before I’m completely relaxed, a warm, melted puddle beneath his hands.

“Thank you.” I’ve never meant those two words more than I do right now.

“You’re welcome. For you, anything, any time.” He presses a kiss to the base of my neck, his hands still massaging my back.

“You can stop now.”

He does, moving to sit on the bed next to me, so I can move. I instantly miss his touch. I get up to sit across from him. His eyes roam over my breasts before traveling back up to my eyes. With my hands on my knees to anchor myself, I lean forward to kiss him.

“Do you want me to give you one now?” He shakes his head. “Are you sure? I want you to be relaxed too.”

“I am. Doing that relaxed me.”

My rumbling stomach interrupts what I was going to say.

Brody smiles. “I’ll order something to eat.”

“Okay. I’m going to shower then.”

I’m almost bummed. I want to be close to Brody. I’ve missed him, but he almost seems like he’s scared to do too much or just be him. After my shower, I skip down the stairs to see Brody paying a pizza delivery guy. Even with Jessica around, I want things to stay as normal as possible with us. We can’t let her change things between us. Brody smiles when he sees me.

“Pizza sound good?” he questions.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance