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I’m relieved that nothing has happened to her today. Maybe everything is working out, and Jessica got the hint. I look at my phone and realize the game is a few hours away, and we need to get ready. I jump up and hit the shower. When I’m done, I get my suit on and meet up with the rest of the team.

The game was rough, but not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I’m a little surprised that we won, but Kris is good at last minute goals. After several media reports and numerous questions about my absence, I’m back on the bus. Of course, everyone’s happy, laughing, and joking on the bus. Normally, I would yell at the rookies for being overly loud, but not tonight. Let them have their fun.

I pull my phone from my pocket, and I see two missed calls from my lawyer. Why is he calling? My heart speeds up a little. Is something wrong? Is Selene okay? I send a quick text to Bradley.

Me: Everyone ok?

Bradley: All good here. You ok?

Me: Yep, just checking in.

Bradley: Good game, by the way

Me: Thanks

I become more anxious as we pull up to the hotel. I don’t want to talk to the lawyer in front of the team. They don’t need to know about my personal problems.

“We have a problem,” my lawyer answers. I dialed his number as soon as I walked into my room.

“And what is that?” I ask.

“Jessica’s lawyer contacted me. She’s claiming that she is pregnant with your baby.”

I nearly drop the phone. This can’t be happening. “Are you kidding me?”

“I hate to ask this, Brody, but is there any possible wa

y that she is?”

I try to think in my head if this could be possible. “I used a condom with her. I never have sex without it.”

“Well, her lawyer is supposed to be getting me the doctor’s confirmation on this. As soon as I know more, I will contact you.”

I don’t say anything else and end the call. I’m in complete shock. The second I think that I’m in the clear from that crazy bitch, she pops right back into my life. How am I going to explain this to Selene? She’s already unsure of a relationship with me. Then again, I’m not sure I want to cause her anymore stress.

Hell, I don’t want any more stress. This time last season, I was on the track to over fifty goals. Now, I’m lucky if I’ll get twenty the whole damn season. Not only is Jessica affecting my personal life, now it’s my professional. I’m not going to take this any longer. She can’t be really pregnant. There’s no way. Yes, I had sex with her, but I never, ever forget to wear a condom. I shake my head as I strip off my suit. I’m not going to tell Selene over the phone. I owe her the respect to tell her face-to-face. That way she has the right to slap me right across it.

This sucks so much.


The plane ride and the car drive home is torture. I don’t want to have to say these words to Selene, and I don’t know what her reaction will be. I pull into my driveway and see her car is at her place. Man, I wish I didn’t have to do this. My stomach is in knots. All I want to do is hold Selene, make passionate love to her, and not think of anything else.

“Brody!” She leaps into my arms, and the smell of fresh flowers is intoxicating.

“I’ve missed you,” I whisper, holding her tightly in my arms.

“Missed you too.” She pulls back and kisses me. Her soft lips against mine is something that I have missed so much. “Glad you’re back.”

“Oh, you might not be saying that in a few minutes.” I have to tell her right away. I can’t wait until later.

“What? Why? What happened?” Her eyes widen as I place her back down on her feet.

“Let’s sit down.” I hold her hand tightly. “Where is Bradley and Bonkers?”

“No, Brody.” She pulls on my arm to stop me from walking any further. “Just tell me right now. I let Bonkers out and your brother is upstairs, taking a shower. What’s going on?”

“Before I tell you, I want to let you know this.” I take both of her hands and look right into her eyes. “I truly care for you. It’s the first time in a very long time that I have been able to care for someone the way I do for you. I hope that when I tell you this that you remember that.” I want to tell her that I love her, but I don’t want to add more stress on her.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance