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I nod and hand her the dog. “How did you know we had evening practice?” Most of our late practices are not open for the public.

“Oh, I’m a fan. Fans can figure it out. Besides I figured you’re still pissed about the end of last season, and I assumed that you would be working the team harder this year.”

Yep, she’s a stalker.

“Um, have a good night, Brody.” She waves and heads back to her side of the yard.

I shake my head, gather up my bags, and head into my house. I make sure the door is locked before going into the kitchen. Boxes are everywhere, and I need to make time to unpack, but it can wait.

I open the fridge to grab a bottle of water when my phone rings. I look at the display to see my twin brother’s picture making a funny face. No matter my mood that picture makes me laugh.

“Bro, what’s up?”

“I’m wondering if my younger brother got moved into his house okay?”

I roll my eyes. “I’m younger by three minutes.”

“Doesn’t ma

tter. So, how is the neighborhood?”

“Ugh, I have a stalker next door.” My brother busts out laughing so loud that I have to move the phone from my ear. “Stop laughing, jerk.”

“Isn’t that your luck?”

“Yep, that’s my luck.” I talk to him for a little bit longer, asking about our parents. He informs me that everyone is fine and can’t wait to come visit. I miss my family. It’s hard being so far from them sometimes. I tell him that I’ll talk to him soon.

“Have fun with the stalker,” he teases. I hang up on him while he’s still laughing.

I look in my fridge to see if there is anything to eat. Of course, there’s nothing but beer and water. I can’t believe I don’t have any food. I figured that I could call Jessica and see if she wants to grab a bite to eat. Then again, I could just call her, have sex, and go to bed.

Nah, I’m actually hungry.

I met her a couple of months ago at a bar after a game. She’s pretty, seems nice, and not a bad fuck in bed. That’s like my trifecta for the perfect woman. Plus, I’m in no mood for a girlfriend. She does have one downfall: she’s a little crass.

I grab my phone and find her number.

“Well, hello.” Her voice is sexy over the phone. I’m sure that she thinks that I’m calling about sex. That seems to be our arrangement: food, sex, and the occasional gift.

“Hungry?” I never have to say much to her because she does most of the talking anyway.

“Food or dick?”

I shake my head. Is it too much to find a girl with a little class? I guess I shouldn’t be complaining since I do put up with it. “Food.”

“Sorry, I can’t. I have to work late.”

“What if I said ‘dick’?”

“I could have found the time,” she coos.

“Well, some other time then.” I hang up before she can say more. Looks like it’s a takeout for me.

Chapter Three


Based on Brody’s reaction when I told him I was a fan, I will not be wearing my Ross jersey when he’s around. I’m positive he thinks I’m crazy, but whatever. I’ll stick to being a nonsocial neighbor, as long as Bonkers will cooperate. For some reason, he really likes Brody. Probably from where that’s his favorite player too.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance