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“Brody,” she starts, but I cut her off.

“No, I’m not going to miss any more games. Everyone is mad because I missed this one.” I point to the TV as the Mustangs are getting ready for another face off. “My brother is coming here to stay with you. He should be here tomorrow night.”

“Your brother?”

“Yes, he is going to be with you day and night until we can get this figured out. Plus, I chewed my lawyer out that you weren’t part of that restraining order too. Trust me, he won’t forget your name ever again.”

She looks deeply into my eyes. “Thank you, Brody.” She gives me a sad smile. It’s then that I realize that I would do anything for her. I don’t want her to give me a sad smile. I want her to be happy, and I want her happy with me.

“I’ll do anything to keep you safe. Anything.” I kiss her softly on her lips. Of course, Bonkers gets jealous and jumps up in between us. When we look at him, he is staring at us, wagging his tail like a mad man. We both laugh at him. Leave it to the dog to make us laugh. Selene snuggles closer to me, and we watch the game.

Of course, at the end of the game, we lose. I try to keep my emotions in check because all I want to do is scream at the TV. Not like the guys could hear me or anything.

“Hey, I’m going to take a shower, and then go to bed. I’m so tired,” Selene says to me before getting up.

“I’m going to run over to my house real quick and grab a couple of things.” I stand up with her.

“Take my key. It’s hanging up by the door. That way you can lock the door.” She kisses my cheek before heading up the stairs. I grab her key, make sure the door is locked, and head across the yard.

At my place, I grab a few things and throw them into an overnight bag. I double check all the rooms to ensure that no one is in the house. Then I make sure all the doors are locked. As I’m heading back across the yard, I think I see something in Selene’s backyard. It might just be a shadow from the trees. I continue to Selene’s house, go inside, and lock the door behind me.

I go into her bedroom and drop my bag off. She is already out of the shower. Her long, dark hair cascades down her back. She’s wearing a very long red shirt that stops mid-thigh. I want nothing more than to throw her on the bed and fuck her until she forgets everything. However, I know that isn’t what she wants.

When she walks out of the bathroom, she’s about to say something to me, but Bonkers begins to growl. A mean growl that I’ve never heard from him before. I didn’t even think the dog knew how to make such a sound. I watch Bonkers as he stands at the top of the stairs, looking down towards the front door.

I look at Selene and her eyes are wide with fear. Her face is as white as a sheet. She’s thinking the same thing that I am. Just then, Bonkers begins to bark loudly and takes off for the door. Next, there’s loud banging on the door.

“Are you expecting anyone?” I ask. She shakes her head. “Stay here.”

“The hell I am.”

We both head down the stairs as the banging continues. Bonkers is barking and growling at the door. I never seen him act this way before. Selene scoops him up, trying to calm him down. I open the door, only to see the one person that isn’t supposed to be here.

“Oh, my sweet Brody.” Jessica smiles at me.

“Are you fucking serious? Get away from here now. You’re not allowed to be around me or Selene.”

“Sweetie, we are meant to be together. I want to talk to you for a moment. I know that bitch has been filling your head with lies about me. It’s not true, any of it.” Jessica goes to reach for me, but I brush her hand away.

“We are not meant to be together. I’m going to call the police if you don’t leave.”

Jessica’s face grows angry. “Brody, you are mine. I love you. You can’t possibly love her, she’s nothing to you.”

“Let me explain this one time before I call the police. I don’t love you. I don’t want to be around you. I love Selene. I’m with Selene. She’s who I’m meant to be with, not you. Get your crazy ass off this porch and out of our lives.” My jaw is clenched, and I can feel my teeth grinding. I’m so mad. Not even on the ice have I been this mad.

Jessica stares at me for a moment, and I almost think I got through to her. “This isn’t over, Brody. You’re going to be with me.” She shoots a dirty look around me at Selene and walks away. I make sure that she gets in her car and leaves before I shut and lock the door. This seriously can’t be happening to me.

“Brody,” Selene says softly. “Are you okay?”

I turn around and face her. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”

“No, because it’s the first time I’ve seen that look in your eyes.”

“What look?”


I look at her as I try to calm myself down. If anything, I don’t want her scared of me. “I just can’t believe she came here and had the gall to say those things.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance