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“You will not believe who my new neighbor is.”

“You have a new neighbor?”

I ignore the fact that I told him the house had been sold and focus on my new pal next door. “Brody Ross,” I say smugly like I’m the lucky one.

“Am I supposed to know who that is, Selene?”

Maybe he needs a clue. “Oh Captain, My Captain?”

“What the hell are you talking about? All I get from that is Captain Morgan.” He’s starting to sound like he’s irritated, but how can he not know what I’m referring to? Does he not listen to me when I talk because with the new season coming up, that’s pretty much all I talk about.

“Seriously? He’s the captain of the Indiana Mustangs hockey team and my neighbor.”

“Lucky you,” he deadpans. “I got to get back to work. Later.” And then he hangs up.

Well, now I’m a little bummed out. Time for work, I guess. I followed in my father’s footsteps and became a radiologist, currently working at one of his private practic

es. It’s an enjoyable job with good money, so I have no complaints where that is concerned. The time always passes by quickly, it seems. In between patients, I go into the break room and talk to my good friend and coworker, Allison.

“I have to tell you something, partly because I know you’ll understand,” I begin.

“What is it? Finally dump that sleaze?”

“Mick isn’t a sleaze,” I start, but she interrupts.

“I’ll take that as a no, so pretend I didn’t say that.” She hides a grin behind her coffee mug.

“I wanted to tell you that I have a new neighbor. A male neighbor.”

At this, she sits up a little and really pays attention. “Do tell.”

“Two words: Brody Ross.”

“No way! Not my team, but he is hot.” She whistles lowly. “What I wouldn’t do to have Carson Lee move in next to me.” Allison is a fan of the Alabama Blacksmiths and he is their captain.

I shake my head at her. “Now for the bad news.”

“You freaked out on him, didn’t you?” she asks, bursting into laughter.

“No! Not really. Bonkers, damn dog, got loose and went over to greet him. I was shocked, to say the least. My reaction was completely normal.”

Allison looks skeptical, but our receptionist peeks into the room to drag her away because she has a phone call. Once I quickly finish off my drink, I meet with my last appointment for today. Then it’s time to go home. Allison is packing up her things and looks over her shoulder at me.

“Are you going to bake him a pie or something to make up for the Bonkers mishap?” she jokes.

“No. I already apologized and he thinks I’m a loon, so I’m leaving it alone.”

“You’re not going to try to bang him at all?” At this, she turns around.

“What? No. I do have a boyfriend, you know.”

“You’re a better person than I am then because-”

“Yeah, I know you would,” I cut her off. “I’ll see ya tomorrow. My dog is probably going bonkers, waiting to be let out.” I may laugh too much at my little joke. Allison shakes her head as she says goodbye.

When I get home, my darn dog has gotten into the Kleenex box. What has gotten into him? This time when I let him out, I double check to make sure the gate is closed. Then I get busy cleaning up his mess. Mick is supposed to come over tonight, but I have a feeling he’s going to cancel. He could surprise me, who knows. I send him a text to find out before letting Bonkers back inside and then I go change out of my work clothes. He jumps onto my bed and watches my every move.

My mind drifts back to Allison’s sleaze comment. Mick isn’t that bad. Honestly, I’m more upset he didn’t know who I was talking about earlier than his irritation. Both bother me, but the former the most. Hockey means so much to me, and he doesn’t pay attention even a little bit.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance