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With the curtains open, the sunlight streams through the windows. Ellie is sleeping on her side with her back to me, her bare shoulder peeking from underneath the covers. I love her. It’s as simple as that. And to know she trusts and loves me enough for her first time making love to be with me, I’m grateful to have her love. I remembered her joke about Paris, but that wasn’t my intention for bringing her here. Ellie has always wanted to visit this place, and I knew that I could make that happen for her. That’s why we’re in Paris. I want to give her everything she wants because she deserves the world, the moon, and the stars. She should have it all if she wants it.

I place my hand on her hip above the blankets, then lean forward to kiss the top of her shoulder. When she hums, I say softly, “Good morning, beautiful.”

Ellie looks at me from over her shoulder and grins. “Morning.”

Chuckling, I tell her, “I love your ridiculous bedhead.” Her hair is all over the place and while she looks a little crazy, she looks adorable too.

“Um, thanks?” She giggles.

“You’re welcome.” I wink at her, causing her to laugh again. “How are you feeling this morning?”

She wiggles to lay on her back, my hand moving to her other hip to rest as I use my other to prop my head up. Ellie smiles and says, “Good. How are you feeling?”

“Pretty good.” I lean down to kiss her. “What’s on our agenda today? Shopping or more sightseeing?” So far, Ellie has had complete control over our activities. This trip is for her, and I want her to do and see everything she wants while we’re here. Who knows when we’ll be able to make it back to Paris.

“What do you want to do?” She asks.

“Whatever you want to do.”

Ellie becomes somewhat serious. “Hudson, I told you that we would do whatever you wanted today.”

“And I told you that as long as you’re happy, I’m happy. If you really want me to choose, then I would like to take you shopping.”

A slight frown appears on her face. “Do your silly rules apply here too?”

“Absolutely,” I chuckle before kissing the corner of her mouth, causing her to smile.

“How about today we go shopping and tomorrow, we take the day off.”

“Whatever you want, baby.”

So that’s what we do.

A few months ago, I was on the verge of throwing in the towel. I was tired of relationships going nowhere. I wanted a meaningful, full of love relationship with someone, but I didn’t really know who I was looking for until I met Ellie. I love her, my family loves her, and she’s simply perfect. We’re in Paris, we’re in love, and we’re happy. There’s nothing more I could ask for than that.

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Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance