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I feel my face flush, as he hands back my ID. I just want to celebrate my big day and not have any other issues.

“You’re married, dumbass.” The guy next to me laughs.

“Don’t mind him,” Jim says to me. “I’ll get your drink. Need anything to eat?”

I nod, and he hands me a menu.

“Obviously, you’re not from around here.” The guy next to me says.

“What makes you say that?” I’m puzzled on how he knows that.

“Because you’re at Jim’s, and everyone knows that when you come here, you get the bacon cheeseburger with onion rings.”

“Thanks for the tip.” I smile politely at him. It’s the first time I really look at the guy. Even though he’s sitting down, I can tell that he isn’t extremely tall, although his thighs and arms are very muscular. His brown hair is a little bit shaggy, and he has a slight scruff on his face. I don’t see his eyes, but he’s nice looking.

“No problem, I figure that since you’re not from here you should at least know what is good. What brings you to Portland anyway?”

“I had a business meeting.”

“Really? What do you do?” My aunt always said that you should be careful about how much information you give a man when you meet him for the first time.

He finally faces me, when I don’t answer him right away. I can see his deep chocolate, brown eyes. They look kind. I study the features of his face and see just how handsome he is.

“Um, I work for a medical supply company. I’m a sales rep for them.”

“Sounds glamorous,” he smirks at me.

“Every girl’s dream of bedpans and oxygen tanks,” I mumble.

He chuckles at my joke. Am I flirting? Lacey would be so proud if I am. I’m going to ask what he does for a living, but Jim comes back, asking if I’m ready to order. I order the bacon cheeseburger with onion rings. I see the guy next to me smile.

“Hudson?” Jim asks the guy next to me.

“Yeah, why not? I’ll have the same thing.”

Jim nods to us both before walking away. I sip on my wine. The burn of the alcohol helps calm me from all the excitement from today.

“I’m Hudson, by the way. I’m sure you already knew that.” His face looks a little sad when he says that.

“Why would I know your name?” I thought for moment and remember that Jim just said his name. “Oh, because he said it.” I point to Jim, who is on the other side of the bar now. “I guess I should have picked up on it. I’m Ellie.” I smile as I stick my hand out to him.

I can’t read the expression on his face. It almost looks like shock. The corners of his mouth turn up, and he shakes my hand. His hands are rough and firm.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Ellie.” When he lets my hand go, he slowly trails his fingers along my palm. It sends a shiver through me.

“So, Ellie, are you married? Boyfriend? Overprotective dog?” Hudson grins, sipping the drink that is in front of him.

“No. No. No.” I giggle as I answer him back, pushing my hair behind my ears. Holy shit, I’m flirting.

“I’m surprised. I figured that you were tied down.”

I shake my head and sip my drink. I’m trying to get the ‘liquid’ courage to ask him if he is married.

“Are you?” I ask trying to sound indifferent about it.

“No, I’m way too busy with work.”

“Oh, what do you do?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance