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They flutter to a close as if she wasn’t sure if she should do what I said or not. Her lips part slightly and she shudders out a breath. I lean down, hover for a second, and then press my lips against hers. Ellie leans further into me, chipping away at my resolve to give her a simple, sweet kiss. When her tongue gently runs over my mouth, it diminishes completely. I invite her inside and taste her. Ellie sighs into me as I kiss her harder. When my fingers ever so slightly dig into her hips, I know it’s time for me to go. Ellie keeps her eyes closed when I pull away, so I whisper goodbye with a kiss on the cheek, and see myself out.


It’s been two days since I’ve seen Ellie. Last night, I had a game, which we won, and today is the dinner with both Ellie and my sister. Since they live closer to Seattle than Portland, I’m driving up to meet them. I’m picking Ellie up first and we’re going to see a movie before supper. Some time with me beforehand should relax her enough to make meeting my sister easier. We’re both nervous because we don’t know what’s going to happen.

After parking my truck, I walk up the porch steps and knock on the front door. Ellie appears within seconds, a smile on her face.

“Hey,” I greet, kissing her cheek.

“Hi, Hudson. I’m all ready if you are.”

“Great. Let’s go then.” I hold my hand out, which she takes without hesitation. Once we’re on our way, Ellie asks me about my day. “It was pretty good. Yours?”

She shrugs. “It was a day.”

“You always say that, why?” I ask, curious.

“People experience highs and lows every day, so unless it’s exceptionally good or really bad, then it was just a day. Seems more honest to me.”

It makes sense. “Do you have anything in mind for the movie?”

“Something funny, I think. Does that sound good to you?”

I nod. We ride the rest of the way in silence. When we get to the theater, I buy our tickets, and we go ahead in to sit down. I hold Ellie’s hand the entire time. She sneaks glances at me, but I pretend not to notice with the exception of a small smile. The movie is hilarious, and I’ve never seen Ellie laugh so much.

Whit is going to meet us at the restaurant in a few. On the drive there, I reach over to grab Ellie’s hand and say, “Nervous?”

She laughs softly. “Just a little.”

“It’ll be fine, but if not, remember you can squeeze my hand.”

Chapter Ten


I was thankful that I was leaning on the counter when Hudson kissed me. When he left I just stood there, trying to process the fact that he did kiss me. He had told me he was going to be busy with work the next couple days and when he got back I would meet his sister.

I’m a nervous wreck when the day comes to meet her. From the moment he picks me up, until we walk into the restaurant, I’m praying that I don’t pass out. A small, light brown hair girl waves her arm when we walk in. Hudson squeezes my hand, and we go into that direction.

“Hudsy!” The young girl hugs him. She’s beautiful. Very small frame, with big chocolate brown eyes. She looks a lot like Hudson.

“Whitney, this is Ellie.” Hudson steps to the side and puts his hand on the small of my back. I stick my hand out to her.

“Hello, Ellie. My brother has told me so much a

bout you.” She smiles brightly at me.

I smile. I can’t speak yet. When she releases my hand Hudson pulls the chair out for me to sit down. He sits with his back to the people behind us.

“I figured a dark corner table was acceptable, Hudson,” Whitney says, still smiling.

“It’s fine.” He gives her a tight smile back. A waiter comes over and takes our drink order.

“Ellie, my brother has told me a lot, but I would love to know more about you.” Whitney’s smile is sweet, but I feel like I’m getting ready to be interrogated.

“Sure,” I’m finally able to say.

“Whitney, don’t be rude.” Hudson gives her a pointed look.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance