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“Yep, the whole collection. However, you can’t watch them without me. Deal?”

I nod, as I bite my lip again to hold back my gleaming smile. He takes the box from me, pulls out the first movie, and puts it in the player.

Nerves take over when he sits down. I’m not sure if I should hold his hand or just sit there. I wonder what Lacey would do. Knowing her, she would have sex on the kitchen table with him. When I look over at him he’s leaning back with his head resting on his hand. His other arm is resting on the back of the couch behind me. He isn’t pushing himself on me or taking control of the situation. I think he is waiting to see what I will do.

I count to ten before I make my first move. I lean down and slip off my heels. I scoot over to Hudson’s side and tuck my feet under me. I fit perfectly into his side. I hear him chuckle, and he brings his arm down laying it on my thigh. His warm touch is soothing as we watch the movie.

The movie is as exciting as the book, except a few changes that were made. I stay next to Hudson the whole time, and I enjoy it. When the movie is over, I look up to see that Hudson fell asleep.

I don’t want to wake him, but I’m not sure what I should do. I hate that he would have to drive home tired. What if he falls asleep at the wheel and gets hurt? I ease away from his side and notice that he doesn’t move at all. I turn off the TV and grab a blanket from the hall closet. I gently lay it on him. I turn off all the lights except the kitchen, in case he does wake up.

I stare at him for a moment. His full lips are slightly parted. His eyelashes are long and spread out. He looks so peaceful.

I turn and head to my bedroom. I quietly shut my door, change my clothes, and go to bed with a smile on my face.

Chapter Nine


I wake up with a horrible kink in my neck, a blanket over me, and slivers of sunlight peeking through the blinds on the window. Memories of last night and pieces of Harry Potter flash in my mind. I must have fallen asleep. Before I get up, I stretch my hands out in front of me, cracking my knuckles, and then stretch out my legs.

If I have to drive back home, I’m going to need some coffee. Please let Ellie drink coffee. The first thing my eyes see in the kitchen is the coffee maker. Yes! Now, I just have to find everything else. While I open her cabinets in my search, I think about last night. She’s never had a serious relationship and based on what she said, she’s still a virgin. Talk about pressure. I’m sure her anxiety issues have something to do with that as well. Shaking my head, I clear my mind. I don’t want to think about that right now.

I’ve got the coffee started, and I’m leaning with my back against the counter, my arms crossed. At the sound of soft footsteps, I lift my head. Ellie squeals when she sees me, tugging her t-shirt down. She’s wearing an oversized t-shirt that stops mid-thigh, and her hair is all over the place.

“Sorry!” Her cheeks are flaming red, but I can’t stop eyeing her small, perfect frame. “I forgot you were here. I’ll be right back.” She swivels on her heels before she scurries back to her bedroom.

Now that she’s gone, I can’t help my chuckle. If I knew nothing about Ellie, I would wonder how in the hell she’s still single, much less a virgin. She has the type of beauty that is reserved for those who take a second to stop and appreciate it. Once you do, it’s hard not to see how beautiful she is.

Ellie returns, bringing me out of my thoughts, dressed in yoga pants, a t-shirt (with a bra this time), and her hair is thrown up into a messy bun. She avoids looking at me as she takes out the creamer and sugar for the coffee. It’s probably because I’m looking at her like I want to have her for breakfast.

“Sorry,” she mutters again when she comes to stand next to me, but facing the opposite direction.

“Don’t be,” I say, lightly bumping my hip with hers.

“Did you sleep well?” She asks as she pours coffee into each cup.

“Pretty much. Thank you.” I take my cup before she can ask if I want anything else in it. When she scrunches her nose as her eyes follow the cup, I ask, “What?”

“You don’t add anything at all?”


“That’s gross.”

I laugh. Ellie turns to rest her hip on her counter, watching me as we each take a sip. We stand there in silence, me looking at Ellie while she looks everywhere but me. After I have finished my cup, I sit it on the counter. Slowly, I move my hands to her hips. I hold them with just enough pressure that she knows they are there. Ellie clutches her cup to her chest and peeks her eyes up at me.

“Thanks for letting me sleep over.”

“You’re welcome,” she starts as I take a small step towards her, just a breath and her coffee cup between us. Her fingers are pressed between my chest and her mug. “I didn’t want you to drive home that late. That’s not very safe.”

I shake my head. “No, not at all.”

My eyes drop to her lips when she licks them. This girl is going to kill me in a slow, deliciously tortuous death. My voice is low as I say, “I need to head home and I’m sure you have to get ready for work.” I pause to drag my eyes up to briefly look into hers. “I’m going to kiss you before I go. Okay?”

Ellie nods. It’s barely there, but she does indeed nod. My lips lift into a smile.

“Close your eyes,” I order softly.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance