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“Um, would you like to come in? I could make us something to eat.” I bite my lip because I see the sadness in his eyes.

“I would love to, but I really have to get back into the city. Sorry.”

“That’s fine, I understand. Thanks for a great day.”

“No, Ellie. Thank you.” He smiles brightly at me and walks away.

He didn’t kiss my cheek like he had before. My heart races a bit, because I’m pretty sure that this will be the last time I see him. God, I’m such a dork. I don’t want this to be the last time I see him.

“Hudson,” I call out before he gets in the truck. I drop my pack and jog to him. “I really am sorry about everything. I’m a klutz.”

“Ellie, it’s really okay.”

I clear my throat. “I did have a great time. Thank you.” I know I have to do it before I lose my nerve. I place my hands on his arms, stand on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek. I probably should have kissed him on the lips, but I don’t want to rush anything. Even if this is a goodbye kiss.

I step back from him and head into the house.

Chapter Seven


I had decided to tell her about my job, which is one reason why I felt good about wearing my hoodie. But then she said what she did about pro athletes, and I completely chickened out. Then I went to kiss her and her hair smacked me in the face. She’s much shyer than I originally thought. I didn’t want to freak her out again, so I didn’t kiss her cheek when I was leaving. Then she surprised the hell out of me by coming up and kissing my cheek.

I have no clue what to think of this girl. I’m so thankful that I’m about to have dinner with my sister. Maybe she can give me some insight. We’re eating across town at her favorite restaurant. She always makes me take her there whenever I come to see her. I’m almost to Seattle and before we go eat, I’m going to shower and change. It’s not a bad drive, but then, driving and traffic don’t bother me at all. Either way, I’ll get to where I’m going at some point.

When I finally get to Whit’s place, I hold my hand up to knock on the door when it opens and a guy is standing on the other side. Who the hell is this?

“Oh, hey. Whit,” the guy calls over his shoulder. He holds out his hand, almost towering over me with his height. I already don’t like him. “You must be Hudson. I’m Drew.”

Whitney pops up behind me, looking a little nervous. I reach out and shake his hand to keep from being rude. “Nice to meet you.” I tilt my head to look at Whit.

“I’ll see you later, Drew,” she tells him before looking to me. “Perfect timing. We just finished studying.”

Studying? On a Friday? I’ll believe that, but only because it’s better than the alternative. Drew says something about how it’s nice to meet me and then waits for me to step aside so he can leave. I wait just a few seconds before I do so. I may be shorter than he is, but that doesn’t mean anything. My sister grabs my arm and drags me inside.

“Since when do you study here, Whit? Doesn’t the campus have a library?”

Whitney shakes her head, completely ignoring me. “How did your date go? Or better yet, go take a shower and you can tell me all about it at dinner.” She shoves me towards the bathroom.

“How did your date go?” I ask just outside of the bathroom.

“Perfect. Happy now?”


Once I get my shower and change, we take my vehicle to the restaurant. It’s not until after we order drinks that we actually start to talk. Before I forget, I tell Whitney to stop telling Mom about me.

“Do you know that I had to listen to her talk about grandkids again because of you? We don’t need to get her hopes up that I’m about to marry somebody until it actually happens.”

Whit laughs. “She asked how you were doing, so I told her. You should have called her sooner and then she wouldn’t have asked me. So how did it go?”

Without really meaning to, I fold my arms over my chest. “Good.”

“But? Have you told her about your job yet?”

I shake my head. “I was going to, but she doesn’t particularly have the highest regards for pro athletes. She thinks I’m an architect.”

“How in the world did that happen? Hudson, wait. Are you telling me that you wore a Portland Vikings hoodie with your name and number on it and she still doesn’t know what you do?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance