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Chapter One


I’ve been weary of women for a while now, and this girl supports my reasoning. We’ve been seeing each other for about a month, and I just called it quits. There are a lot of problems with her, like the fact that she has no boundaries whatsoever, and she’s asked to “borrow” money already. Okay, maybe she would pay me back, but I doubt it. Not to mention the fact that she insists on telling everyone about the fact that she’s dating an NHL player. A captain to be precise.

She wasn’t happy, which was clear by her yelling as I left her place. I don’t really care. With a sigh, I drive across town to one of my favorite bars. Is it really too much to ask for a girl who doesn’t want me for my money, stardom, or anything related to being the captain of the Portland Vikings? I want a relationship with a girl who dates me for all the right reasons, so I can share this crazy life of mine with someone. I’m sick of all this other shit. I’m getting too old for it.

Being twenty-seven, still single, and having to hear my mother talk about grandchildren every time I talk to her, is getting to me. My older brother has two kids already, but my mom wants more grandkids. There’s not much I can do though. Not until I find the right girl. At this rate, that’ll never happen. Too often, I’m seen as nothing more than a hockey player. There’s more to me than that. Eventually, I’m sure I’ll find who I’m looking for.

“Where’s your woman?” Jim, the bartender, asks with a slight smile. He knows me well, and I consider him one of my friends.

“Gone. Are you going to fix my drink or not?” I hide my grin when he laughs.

He gets to work on my rum and coke. Earlier today, since I had a free night, I made plans to meet my baby sister, Whitney. She goes to school in Seattle and is coming down for the weekend. She was supposed to be here hours ago, but got caught up in traffic. Whitney is the youngest of my mother’s three children with me in the middle and my brother, Ethan, at thirty. Ethan is married with two kids, living in Orlando. I don’t see him a lot, but the three of us are really close.

There’s a tap on my shoulder and when I turn around, I see my sister wearing a big grin. She has the family traits of brown hair and brown eyes. Standing, I pull her to me in a bear hug.

“It’s about time you got here! How bad was traffic?” I ask, releasing her.

She sits on the barstool next to mine and says, “It was terrible. Better be glad I love you enough to drive in that for you.”

I chuckle. “How’s school?”

Whitney groans. “I’m sick of it. There should be more partying and less studying, but you know little, ol’ Whit. I’m doing more studying than partying.”

My sister wishes she was the bad apple of the bunch, but she’s far too responsible. “You’ll be done soon enough.”

She nods before changing the subject. “Are you ready for your game tomorrow? How did the breakup go?”

“She was angry. I blow things out of proportion apparently.” I shake my head at the thought. “Anyway, I’m ready as always.”

“You are the most level headed person I know, Hudson. Don’t let a bunch of rotten girls get to ya. Eventually, the odds will have to be in your favor and you’ll get the girl you’re looking for. I, on the other hand, have met my match.”

Without meaning to, I narrow my eyes at her. “What are you talking about?” Am I the overprotective older brother? Yes, I certainly am. Sometimes I don’t like hearing my baby sister go on and on about boys, but if I get to complain to her about girls, it’s only fair she can do the same.

Whitney smiles like she has a secret she’s dying to tell. “His name is Drew and he’s in one of my classes. We’ve been study buddies for three weeks now.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“He hasn’t asked me out yet.”

“You ask him.” Her eyes get so large. I’m surprised they didn’t pop out of her eye sockets. Before she can object, I add, “I know that’s not something I would usually say, but what the hell? It couldn’t hurt.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance