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Damn, the man was hot. Her fingers positively itched to run over his bald head and over his gorgeous, muscled body. Broad shoulders, bulging arms. And that chest. Man, did she love his chest. And his ass.

But it wasnt Nathan she focused on. As Damon greeted Serena, and all the guys said their hellos to Julie and Faith, Julie slid onto Micahs lap, and she took his beer from his hand and took a long swallow. She let her lips linger over the mouth of the bottle and flicked her tongue out to rim it.

"Well damn," Micah murmured. "Hello to you too, sugar. "

She put the bottle on the table behind her and wrapped her arms loosely around his neck. "Where have you been all my life?"

"Waiting for you to rock mine," he said teasingly.

Nathan sat in stony silence, his eyes glittering. His jaw clenched and ticked, but he said nothing.

"I seem to need a ride home," she whispered. "Gray is meeting Faith here for dinner, and now that Damon is here, Serena isnt going to want to leave. "

"Well now," Micah drawled. "Far be it from me to ever leave a woman in distress. However, Nathan here might kick my ass if I make a move toward that door with you. "

She let her eyes widen innocently as she turned to Nathan. "Oh, hello, Nathan. I didnt even notice you there. "

Damon choked on his beer while Faith and Serena both looked away to keep from laughing. Nathan tipped his bottle in her direction, his face set in stone.

Then she turned back to Micah. "Are you the type to let another man dictate who you take home?"

Micahs expression darkened. "Dont play with fire, sugar, or youll get burned quick. "

She pouted playfully and leaned in closer until her mouth was an inch from his ear.

"Who says Im playing?" she whispered.

His hands tightened around her hips, and then he tucked his lips to her ear, nuzzling through her hair.

"If Nathan hadnt already staked a claim, Id have you in my bed so fast you wouldnt know what hit you. And believe me, sugar, Id be calling all the shots. "

She drew away and rolled her eyes. "Ive heard all about you, Hudson. And I cant wait for the day a woman knocks you on your smug ass. I just hope Im around to see it. "

Micah smirked. "Aint going to happen, babe. "

"Does that mean you arent going to volunteer to take me home?" she asked softly.

Nathan bolted from his seat and reached over to snag her wrist. Julie was so surprised by his action that she just sat there on Micahs lap, gaping up at him.

"Cut the bullshit, Julie. Im taking you home. Now. Its long past time we had a little chat. "

Her eyes narrowed, and she moved further into Micahs embrace, but Nathan didnt let up on his grip.

"We have nothing to talk about, Tucker. And if my options are you driving me home or taking a cab, then Ill go pour myself into a cab. "

"Nathan, let it go," Micah said quietly. "Save it for later. Ill drive her home. "

Nathans eyes grew stormy, but he let go of her wrist and then turned and stalked out of the restaurant.

"Asshole," Julie muttered as she rubbed her wrist.

Micah picked her hand up and ran his thumb over her wrist. "You know he wouldnt hurt a hair on your head. And if he had any hair, hed have already pulled it all out over you and you damn well know it. "

She raised an eyebrow. "And what do you know about it?"

He grinned, flashing perfectly white straight teeth. "Women arent the only ones who gossip, you know. "

Her cheeks went warm. "Well, hell," she muttered.

"Too bad I never started going to you for massages," he teased.

She let her head fall onto his shoulder with a groan. "Im ready to go home now. "

"Come on, Julie, well take you home and you know it," Serena said.

"No, Ill take her," Micah said. "I told her I would, and Id never leave a lady in distress. "

"You guys going to hang out here until Gray comes?" Julie asked Serena and Damon.

"Of course," Damon said smoothly.

Faith hesitated, her eyes drooping a little sadly. "For the love of God, people. Im certainly capable of staying by myself until Gray gets here. He, uh, hell probably be late anyway. Hes been running behind a lot lately. "

"But the point is you dont have to be by yourself," Damon said. "Serena and I are more than happy to wait with you. "

Micah lifted Julie to her feet, impressing her with his strength. Then he stood and took her hand, pulling her toward the door.

When they got to his truck, he opened the passenger door for her, and like a perfect gentlemen, saw her seated before walking around to his side.

The interior smelled faintly of smoke, and it gave her the first serious jones for a cigarette shed had in two years.

"I didnt realize you smoked," she said when he started the engine.

He winced and smiled a little guiltily. "I didnt think the smell was that obvious. "

"Former smoker," she admitted. "Some people love the smell of coffee. Me, I love the smell of cigarettes. "

He reached into the door pocket and pulled out a crumpled packet. "Ive got one left. Want to share it?"

She sucked in her breath. Damn. It was only one. Well, half a one. What the hell.

"You trying to quit?" she asked as he lit up.

"Yeah. "

"Hows that working for you?"

He laughed. "Im down to a few a day. I keep saying each pack is my last, but at least Im making them last longer. "

He took a deep drag and passed it to her. She slid it between her lips and inhaled, closing her eyes.

"Between this and the booze, youre going to have to pour me into bed," she said as she passed it back. "Ill have a head rush from hell. "

"How longs it been for you?"

"Two years. "

"Impressive. And here I am luring you back to the dark side. Im a real bastard. "

She laughed. Then she cast him a mournful stare. "Why the hell couldnt I be hung up on you?"

Jesus. Had she just said that? Too much to drink. Or maybe it was the cigarette. Or maybe it was just sheer desperation. Shed all but told him how hung up on Nathan she was now.

Micah smiled and passed her back the cigarette. "Youre killing the poor guy. Give him a break, okay? Us men arent too smart when it comes to women, you know?"

She blew out the smoke and sent him a baleful look. "Okay, so a woman all but throws herself at you for weeks, pushes her cleavage in your face, practically takes out a glowing neon sign saying I want you, and then gives you a massage youll never forget, and you cant figure out shes attracted to you?"

"Okay, Nathan isnt too smart when it comes to women," he said with a chuckle. "Cut him some slack. The poor man doesnt know whether hes coming or going with you. "

She scowled. "Well you know what, Micah? Im damn tired of men not knowing what to do with me. I want a guy who doesnt need an instruction manual, thank you very much. Nathan blew his chance as far as Im concerned. "

"So youre going to torture him endlessly. "

Tags: Maya Banks Sweet Erotic