“Oh for fuck’s sake Marty,” Red said in a huff, wide awake now that she had had the shit scared out of her. “Can we please just go to bed?” I prayed that he said no. If this was the safest place to be, then this is where I wanted to stay.

“No, Red, and quit bitchin’. It’s only for a little while.”

“Thanks Marty,” I said, giving Red a look, although she couldn’t see it. “We’ll be fine. Don’t worry about us,” Red huffed, but kept her mouth shut. Marty started to leave and I melted when Maddie spoke.

“Be careful,” she said quickly. I knew she wanted to go to him but couldn’t.

“I will, babe,” he said, before leaving us alone once again.

“Well ain’t y’all just sweet,” Red said, and I started to slap the shit out of her, but Maddie had it covered.

“If you got something to say bitch just say it. If not, shut the fuck up. I hate when you get drunk and pissy. You’re gettin’ on my nerves with that shit,” Maddie snapped, and I could feel the anger radiating off her and filling the room.

“I’m sorry. I’m just being a bitch ‘cause my head hurts. It’s like fucking pounding, man. I don’t know what’s wrong,” Red said, her voice holding just a hint of apology.

“Well maybe you shouldn’t have drunk so much,” Maddie muttered, Red’s apology not being accepted in the least. The door opened again, and our heads snapped up as a large dark figure approached us. I tensed, the feeling of dread pumping through my veins, as I opened my mouth to scream at the intruder.

“Here, baby.” I recognized Regg’s voice and nearly pissed my pants in relief.

“Fuck you scared me,” I said, holding my chest and feeling my heart beat hard against it. Regg handed something to Red, who fumbled in the dark, thanking him in a rush of breath once she had it in her possession.

“I brought y’all a bottle of water.” Regg said, handing me and Maddie bottles of water that we both greedily accepted.

“Can we turn the light on?” I asked, thinking how much easier it would be if we could see, and it would keep us from panicking when they barged in.

“Can’t. The power is out.” I looked up into the darkness, expecting him to answer my unspoken question, but then remembered he couldn’t see me.

“Why?” I asked Regg, who stood looming over us.

“They must have shot out a transformer, ‘cause the whole street is out of lights. Probably hoping it would kill the alarm, but the dumbasses must not be up-to-date on technology. Even the worst criminals know that alarms are backed up by a battery pack.” Shooting out a transformer was a pretty extreme measure to take. They must have really wanted to get to us.

“Gotta go. Y’all good?” We assured him we were fine and he left, giving Red a quick kiss first.

“What did he bring you?” Maddie asked Red, after we had all consumed almost all of our water. Shit, I was thirsty.

“Headache meds,” Red replied shortly, curling up, and using my leg as a pillow. I began rubbing her head, knowing that she must be in some sort of pain to be so indifferent about the situation, which was clearly a very serious one. Maddie leaned her head on my shoulder again, and I placed my head on top of hers. I wasn’t worried about Luke, he could take care of himself, and I wasn’t worried about the intruders because Marty and Regg didn’t seem too bothered by them. I felt safe here. I knew these guys wouldn’t let anything happen to us. Maddie and Red knew it too. How else could they sleep in a time like this? I closed my eyes, listening to Maddie and Red’s relaxed breathing. Not only had I learned that I cared about the club, but, as I joined my sisters and fell into an unconscious state, I knew that I had now learned to trust them.

“Get a shovel and help me dig!” Red snapped, the long t-shirt she wore covered in mud. She was drenched in water, barefoot, and her hair was stuck to the side of her face and neck. I picked up the shovel without question, digging into the soft ground in the middle of the woods, while the rain poured down on top of me. “You have to dig faster. We have to hide the body before the cops get here.” I saw headlights in the distance, closing in on us slowly. I began digging faster, sticking the shovel in the dirt and throwing it over my shoulder. We were getting nowhere.

“We need some help!” I screamed at Red, panicking that we would be caught if we didn’t hide the body that lay next to us wrapped in a white sheet. The headlights were closer now. They must have been driving through the woods. “Get Maddie!” I yelled, looking around, trying to find her. “Maddie!” I screamed, waiting for her to emerge from behind one of the tall trees that littered the woods.

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