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Vito grunted, his body stiffened as his erection ground against her. The first rush of hot, human blood coating her lips and tongue.

She opened her jaw wide to draw in a full sip and moaned as the flavor slipped down her throat. “Be still.”

His body froze as she found the puncture, sealing her lips tightly around his open flesh and feeding hungrily from the source. His jaw slackened and his pupils dilated.

She had never fed from a mortal while living on the farm, only her immortal mother as a child and her husband as an adult. Typically, her kind was taught to survive on animal blood and protein.

Vito’s blood always tasted different, sweeter than an immortal’s, lacking potency, but making up for it in smoothness. However, there was always an aftertaste of guilt. He was her friend, and she shouldn’t use him in such ways. Every night, she promised she wouldn’t feed from him, but her willpower weakened more with every shift until she found herself stealing his blood.

She shut her eyes at the memories of Silus feeding from her. He was never gentle and often left her anemic and weak. He took everything he wanted from her, always making sure his every hunger and need was met.

She shivered and took a few more sips before carefully closing the puncture at Vito’s neck with her healing saliva. She delicately wiped her mouth with her fingers and sucked away any trace of blood. He blinked several times, a mix of fear and awe in his eyes.

She slid off his lap and held his stare. “We only danced. I never touched you.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek, and he blinked rapidly.

“That was…” His eyes looked down and to the left, searching for the right words. “That was amazing. I think you’ll do fine out there.”

She offered him a forlorn smile, already disgusted with herself for taking advantage of her friend. Sometimes she hated what she was. Her needs were satisfied, but at what cost? Her principles had been betrayed.

“Thank you, Vito.”

Larissa climbed the steps of her dark, odorous apartment complex, still feeling guilty about Vito. Stepping into her private dwelling, she tossed her bag onto a chair.

“You really should lock your door, Larissa.”

Screeching with alarm, she sprung to the wall to flip on the light. “For the love of God, Cain! You scared me out of my skin.”

“How was work, dear sister? Still dangling your bits for all the English world to see?”

She gave him a mocking smile. “No Englishman has seen my bits.” Steve had been kind tonight, allowing her the option to keep her top on. But tomorrow night would be different.

“Silus would be so proud.”

“You’re in a mood.” She disappeared into her bedroom to change into a nightgown. Emerging from the room, she breezed past her brother into the kitchen. “What are you doing here?” Filling a glass of water, she fed her houseplant.

Cain plopped onto her couch and picked up a book from her side table. He fingered the pages of the romance novel, landing on a random one. His eyebrows lifted as he read a passage. “I came to see if you wanted to go hunting with me.”

“Thank you, but I’ve already fed.” She stuffed down her lingering guilt from earlier.

He tossed the book back onto the table. “You really do need to start locking the door.”

She rolled her eyes and came to sit next to him. “I’m an immortal female, Cain. Nothing can hurt me here.”

“Nothing mortal.”

She stilled. “Has Silus left the farm?”

Fear inched up her spine until her shoulders locked. She mentally forced herself to relax.

He wouldn’t find her. They weren’t true mates. After years of living together he knew her scent, but they were not bonded like called mates were, and her blood would have long since left his system by now. Called mates could sense their other half from opposing sides of the earth, but Silus would never be her mate.

Cain had found her only because he’d been injured on the night she left, and she gave him her blood to help him feed. Her actions broke their laws and sent her husband into a violent rage.

“Last I heard, Bishop King refused to let him off on some wild goose chase, so you’re safe for now. But that was several weeks ago. You should at least scan for emotions before you enter.”

“I assure you, I can protect myself from the English.”

“I’m not speaking of the English. There are others like us out there, Larissa. Not every immortal was raised with Amish values. Some are wild, and they could sense a female nearby.”

Her hand lifted protectively to her throat. The males of her race were much stronger than the females. At only fifty years old, she was still quite young for her species. An elder could also possess gifts and would dominate her in strength.

Tags: Lydia Michaels The Order of Vampires Vampires