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My eyes widen at the number she rattles off. I could use six figures for my nest egg.

“One week.” I turn and look at Annie, who’s already locked up for the day and is scrubbing the countertop. “I have a job here, you know.”

“You can have three hours to decide. I have to give them a yes or no today.”

“No pressure or anything.” I roll my eyes. “I’ll call you back.”

She hangs up, and I turn to Annie. “Hey, Ann?”


“Would you be okay here next week if I had to take it off?”

Her gaze whips up to mine. “Are you okay? Is your family okay?”

“Everyone’s fine, as far as I know.” I relay the offer I just got from Bert. “I don’t know if I want to go, so if you tell me I can’t have the time off, it’s totally okay.”

“I’ll be fine if you decide to go.”

“Well, damn.” My phone rings again. “I’m suddenly popular. Hello?”

“You didn’t tell me that it’s your birthday,” Seth says in my ear. “I’m going to spank you for that later.”

“Promises, promises.”

“I’m taking you out for dinner tonight.”

“Okay. Can we go to Ciao? I could go for some carbs. Not that I should, but it’s my birthday, and sometimes a girl needs pasta.”

“You can have whatever you want.”

“Cool. Also, we need to talk, Seth.”

“Sounds serious. You okay?”

“Yeah. I just need your opinion.”

“Okay. I’ll meet you at home in an hour, and then we’ll get ready to go to dinner.”

“Okay. See you soon.”

I click off and turn to Annie. “I’ll talk to Seth and see what he thinks. I’ll keep you posted.”

“That’s fine with me. Go enjoy your birthday. Have some extra garlic bread for me, okay?”

“I can do that.”

“You should go.” Seth leans back in his seat and pushes his empty plate away from him. “It’s only a week, and you’ll kick ass.”

“I’m not in shape for a challenge show.” I shake my head and swirl the last of my wine. “I should have been training for a month or more.”

“You’re in great shape.”

“Yes, for everyday things. This isn’t lifestyle fitness we’re talking about here. I’ll be climbing and jumping and all kinds of shit that takes strength. I’m so mad at her for calling me with just a few hours to decide.”

“Do you get paid whether you’re the first kicked off or the winner?”

“I’d get paid something. More the longer I’m there. And even more if I win.”

“I’m not saying that it’s about the money, I’m just curious.”

“Seth, I’ve won so much money over the past seven years, and I have a great financial guy. I don’t ever have to work again if I don’t want to.”

He leans forward. “That’s incredible. I had no idea that there was so much money at stake.”

“There is if you win. Because I’ve had sponsorships, and I’ve done commercials and other things, too. I was smart about it.”

“That’s sexy.”

“The money?”

“The brains,” he replies with a laugh. “I don’t give a shit about the money.”

“That’s sexy.”

He winks at me. “If you want to do it, you should go. I’ll be here when you’re done.”

I reach over and grab his hand. “I guess I could try it. Come out of retirement for one last hurrah.”

“It could be fun.”

“I think I have to leave tomorrow.”

“Wait, tomorrow?”

“I have to be in Moab by Monday, and I want to take the van.”

“Wow, that is fast.”

“The faster I go, the faster I’m back.”

“I like that logic.”

“I don’t know if I want to go.” I turn into Seth’s warm body and ignore the fact that the alarm will go off any minute. “It’s too damn early.”

“Are you going all the way today?”

“No.” I kiss his chest. “I’m going to stop in Pocatello, Idaho for the night then go the rest of the way tomorrow.”

“Good plan.”

The alarm fills the air, and I turn on my back and moan. Cap has been staying with us here at the house, and he stretches on the bed, pushing me against Seth.

“Oh, you’re a good boy, aren’t you? Are you going to miss me?” I wrap my arms around the big pile of floof and kiss his cheek. “I love you so much. You’re the bestest boy ever.”

“This could be the first time in my life that I’m jealous of my dog.” I laugh over my shoulder at him. “But, like you said last night, the faster you go, the faster you’re back. I’ll save your spot for you.”

“Thanks. Cap will probably hog the bed while I’m gone.”

“Probably. Come on, you get in the shower, and I’ll make you coffee. Maybe a little bite for the road.”

“Don’t you have work to see to this morning?”

“Louie knows I’ll be late this morning. And he knows why. It’s okay.”

He kisses me softly, and before I can tug him back to bed, he pulls away.

Tags: Kristen Proby Heroes of Big Sky Romance