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My heart aches, breaking into a million tiny pieces as Dill growls on my right, his teeth bearing in anger. Giovanni glances at the wolf before smirking and finally releasing his hold on his son, leaving the front of his shirt stained with blood, but all that matters is how the hell he knew. The boys sure as fuck wouldn’t have said a word to their father about the shooting, and I know I haven’t … so who?

Giovanni laughs as he remains way too close to Marcus for my liking. “Now, onto business. Where the fuck is this manufacturer?”

“I have a better question,” Levi states, standing to the same height as his father and leaning forward, resting his knuckles against the big oak table. He keeps his venomous stare on his father. “Tell me again where my mother is?”

Giovanni watches him for a long moment, his brows furrowing. “She’s buried in the DeAngelis family tomb on my property, just where she’s always been. Why would you ask me that?”

“Really?” he questions. “We haven’t been down there for a while. Perhaps at your next business dinner we’ll pay her a visit. I do wonder what we might find.”

I hold my breath, my gaze snapping right back to Giovanni who just stares, understanding dawning in his lifeless eyes. “Where’s my manufacturer?” he demands, refusing to comment on the woman locked in a freezer at the top of this very castle, the woman who was supposed to be his everything, his wife, and the mother of his children. I can only imagine how she died. I bet it wasn’t a great life, filled with misery at his abusive hands. She would have been property to him, just as I’m supposed to be to his sons.

Roman stands along with Levi. “You see, that’s just the thing,” Roman says, a smirk playing on his lips. “We don’t have your manufacturer.”

Giovanni looks taken back. “What did you just say to me?”

“You heard me. We don’t have him. Don’t know who he is. Don’t know where to find him. Don’t even really care to be perfectly honest with you.”

Giovanni grips onto a knife that lays like a welcome weapon on the table and jams it deep into the polished oak. “I gave you a week to find that bastard and you’re telling me you failed? What the hell have you been doing all this time?”

Roman shrugs his shoulders. “Been busy,” he says. “I’ve had other scores to settle. Kinda ran out of time to care about your problems.”

Giovanni yanks the knife out of the table and throws it at Roman. My heart stutters in my chest as his hand shoots up with impossible speed, catching the blade between his pointer and middle finger mere inches from his eyes.

A gasp tears from my throat as Giovanni roars while his sons simply stare at him like a child having a tantrum. I guess that’s exactly what’s going down as they prove for the millionth time that he has lost all control over them. Only he’ll continue with his extravagant displays at his business dinners because once the rest of the family knows their most dangerous and lethal weapons have minds of their own, they’ll all run for the fucking hills.

He makes his way back to his seat but remains standing, leaning on the table much in the same way that Levi does. “What do you know?” he spits, the rage in his eyes like nothing I’ve ever seen before. “You said you found a dealer.”

“That’s right,” Roman says with a slight nod. “A dealer whose loyalties to his boss far outweighed his fears of you. He didn’t speak, didn’t even crack.”

Giovanni shakes his head, confusion marring his eyes. “That’s not possible, even the most feared men break at the idea of the DeAngelis name.” He begins pacing the floor as Dill grows bored by my side and trots off toward his water bowl.

Marcus catches his movement and glances down at the wolf, his eyes narrowing in suspicion before glancing back at me. “What the fuck did you do to their water bowls?”

My eyes bug out of my head. What the fuck does he think he’s doing bringing this up and drawing attention to me like this?

“It’s …” I start, swallowing hard as Giovanni’s gaze swings toward me, irritation deep in his eyes at speaking in his presence. “I, umm …” Fuck. I let out a shaky breath and muster up the courage to find my voice. “Enough was enough. The wolves needed names, so that’s what I did.”

Marcus narrows his gaze on me. “Dill and Doe?”

I nod. “Yes, Dill and Doe. The infamous Dill Doe wolves.”

Roman gapes at me, his eyes going wide. “You stole my fucking wolves out from under me and then had the fucking audacity to name them after a fucking silicone cock?”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Depraved Sinners Romance