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“Have faith, okay? If Piper’s feelings are mutual, she’ll find a way back to you.”

We stay silent the rest of the way, and once we arrive at the house, memories of earlier flood through my head. I have no idea where Jack is, and once we told the EMTs about him, they filed a report with the local authorities. Hopefully, they’re keeping an eye out for him or searching for his body. Either way, I’ll be looking over my shoulder until there’s news about it.

“Do you want me to stay with you a while?” Easton offers after he wheels me inside.

I force a half-smile and shake my head. “Nah, I’d rather be alone.” I can hop around and jump up the stairs if I have to. My left leg is pretty strong still, and I don’t want to burden anyone.

“Okay. I’m only a phone call away,” he reminds me, patting my shoulder as I sit in my wheelchair.


After Easton leaves, I lock the door, then move around the rooms. Looking at the puzzle on the table, I realize there’s still a handful of pieces left. I can’t bring myself to finish it, though, not without her here. The ghost of her lingers as I close my eyes. This whole situation fucking sucks, and in the end, I lost. I always do.

Two hours pass, and I hear a knock on the door. I can only assume Easton came back once I ignored his phone call an hour ago.

“Go home!” I call out from the couch. He knows how my mind goes into dark places and probably felt guilty for leaving me.

The knocks turn into repetitive pounding, and I angrily get into the chair, then wheel myself to the door. I speak up as I swing it open. “I told you I wanted to be—”

My words drop off when I see Piper standing in front of me. Her eyes widen when she sees me, and she looks me over from head to toe.


“Tristan!” She crashes into my chest, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and climbing into my lap. “Shit, is this hurting you?” She pushes back.

“No, get over here.” I pull her against me, crashing my lips to hers as tears stream down her cheeks.

“I was so worried about you,” I say between kisses, wiping her cheeks.

“I was worried about you!” she cries out with a laugh.

“How did you…?” I’m in shock that she’s here.

“Escape my fucking parents?”

“Yes, and how did you get here? Or find the house even? I’m sorry, I have so many questions right now.”

She chuckles, getting off my lap and closing the door behind her. I wheel into the house, then follow her to the living room.

“They left me in the fucking dark. The nurses wouldn’t tell me if they treated you and made me wait until my family arrived to tell me anything. I didn’t know anyone’s number by heart except for Kendall’s, so I called her, and she said our parents were on the way. So all I could do was wait. When they finally showed up, I told them what happened, and they said they fired you. I was pissed because they didn’t even wait to hear the truth. When they insisted I come back to New York with them, I told them no, which of course they didn’t like. Then I let them know they can no longer dictate my life. I told them this wasn’t your fault. Of course my father is a stubborn jerk sometimes, but I confessed that we were together and that he wasn’t gonna stop me from being with you. Once I got discharged, I hugged them goodbye, then called Easton’s shop for the beach house’s address. Since we’d talked about it so much, it was easy for me to get the number.”

My mouth falls open with amazement. Holy shit. “He wasn’t there, though.”

“Oh, I know. I asked for his cell number and had to beg the woman on the phone to give it to me. Told her it was a family emergency. So, she finally did. Then I called Easton, and he told me a little of what happened.”

“Did you drive here?” I ask.

“Hell no. I took a cab. Did you know they have those in Florida too?”

“You’re amazing.” I chuckle, hugging her and kissing her forehead. Her hair smells like the ocean, and I know she’s probably exhausted from all the excitement. “I can’t believe you did all that for me. I’m so proud of you for sticking up for yourself.”

“I can’t be without you. I just can’t. I know that deep down in my heart, and the thought of never seeing you again because of my asshole dad wasn’t something I would just lay down and accept. I know we’ve only been together for a short time, but you’re my other half. I want and need you more than anything. Even YouTube,” she adds with amusement, and I chuckle.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance