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He roughly shoves a fist into my hair, then yanks my head back.

“What do you want with me?” I ask as he tightens his grip.

“You pathetic little slut, as if you don’t know,” he hisses against my ear. His hot breath feels like poison on my skin. “I loved you. We were made for each other. I only wanted to show you how perfect we’d be together and how much I’d cherish and touch you, but then you left. I was the good guy, and you ran from me.”

“I don’t even know you,” I remind him. “You sent me threats and made me fear for my life. That makes you the bad guy.”

“I was trying to stand above the other men attempting to gain your attention. I wanted you to notice me. If you’d given me a chance, I would’ve worshipped the ground you walked on and took care of you.”

Bile rises in my stomach, but I swallow it down.

“Look at me,” he orders, keeping his tight hold on me.

I turn around, hoping I’ll be able to escape, but then he forces himself on me. My back presses against the counter as his arms cage me in. For the first time, I get a good look at him. He’s not much older than me, but he’s tall and muscular. His eyes are dark and hard. There's an evil man behind them, and I know he’s here to harm me.

“The longer I had to search for you, the angrier you made me. Right now, I’m eager to cut your throat and watch the life leave your eyes. God, what a beautiful sight that’d be to have your rich blood all over my skin.”

“You’re obsessed with a person you only think you know,” I tell him with venom in my tone. “You don’t know who I really am.”

Jack takes a knife from the sink and angles it at my throat. My heart beats rapidly as I try to steady my breath. He’s getting off on my fear, and I refuse to give him that pleasure. As soon as I open my mouth, he stops me.

“Scream and you’re dead,” he tells me. “Don’t think I won’t do it. I’ve been hunting you way too fucking long and am too committed now. I’m determined to see this to the end.”

I swallow hard as the blade pushes into my skin. “You’re going to do what I say and follow me out of here. Got it?”

Before I can tell him to go to hell, Tristan enters in a pair of jeans with his gun aimed at Jack. His hair and chest are still soaked from the shower. I blow out a small breath of relief, but it’s quickly replaced with fear as I worry about Tristan.

“You have three seconds to beg for mercy before I put a bullet in your head.”

Jack increases the knife’s pressure while aiming his pistol at Tristan. Everything happens so fast, I can hardly process what’s happening. An ear-piercing shot rings out, and I realize Jack pulled the trigger. Tristan immediately loses his balance and falls to the ground. I scream, trying to escape Jack’s hold so I can rush over to him, but he yanks my hair so hard, it feels like he’s ripping strands from my scalp. Jack chuckles, finding amusement in what he did as he drags me toward the door with him.

“Tristan!” I scream as Jack forces me outside.

I claw at his arm, trying to kick him off me, but it’s useless. The adrenaline has me fighting for my life, but no matter what I do, Jack’s unaffected.

“Please, just let me go. Tristan needs help,” I plead as he walks us toward the ocean. The fear is so overpowering, tears surface and pour down my face.

“Stay quiet, or I’ll go back in there and shoot his other knee,” he warns.

I manage to connect my foot with the back of his leg, making him stumble.

“Wrong move, bitch.” He tackles me to the ground, face-first. Jack straddles my legs, yanking both my arms behind my back, then cuffs them.

“Please,” I beg between tears. “Don’t do this.”

“Shhh…it’s gonna be okay,” he whispers while petting my head. “We’re finally going to be together.”

Oh hell no.

I need to get back to Tristan. He could be bleeding out…or worse.

Jack gets me on my feet, then leads me toward a boat docked on the bank. I frantically shake my head. “I’m not getting on that.”

By some miracle, I get out of his grip, and even though my arms are restrained, I run toward the house.

“Nice try, you dirty cunt.” He rams into me, making me fall again, then shoves his gun to my skull. “Try me again and see what happens.”

“You’re fucking crazy,” I seethe.

He bellows out a laugh, lifting me up and leading me back to the water. “You haven’t seen crazy yet.”

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance