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“Did you have any idea he was struggling?”

“No, but I should’ve seen the signs. I was too into my own survivor’s guilt and pain to notice.”

She places her hand on my cheek and kisses me.

“His passing knocked some sense into me. I refused to give up on life just because it had gotten hard. I was an emotional mess, which was the first thing I got help for. After I was medically discharged, I found a few bodyguard positions. I couldn’t take my second chance, one my brothers didn’t have, and waste it. I was determined to make the most of my life.”

“You had a great outlook. I’m sure many wouldn’t have.”

“You’re right. Most can’t get the help they need, and that’s something that has to change.”

“I never knew that about you, Tristan. It really changes my perspective. Guess I always interpreted how serious you are about your job and keeping others safe as arrogance, but it’s more than that.”

“Especially when it comes to you. I wanted to put a bullet in Jack’s head the moment I saw him.”

“Then you’d be in prison,” she counters. “And I’d hate to have to visit you behind bars.”

“That’s better than me having to visit your gravesite.”

“Geez, that turned morbid real quick.” She glowers. “But maybe when Jack’s finally caught, I can thank him for bringing you and me together.”

“You better not,” I growl, then lean over and swipe my tongue along her bottom lip. “We should get some sleep.”

“You’re right.” She pulls off the covers, then shifts on the mattress.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I reach for her wrist, halting her from leaving.

“Going to my room? I thought you wanted to go to bed.”

“I do, but you’re staying here with me.”

As I say those words, I still can’t believe this is where the day ended. Every moment with Piper seems surreal. A part of my brain screams never to let her go while the other reminds me of our age difference and how opposite we are. At this point, if her family disapproves, I don’t know what will happen. Being together when she returns home isn’t an option. I’ll have no reason to stay in New York once her dad fires me for sleeping with his daughter.

But I’ll steal every opportunity to be with her while we’re here—even if it’s temporary.

The next morning before we get out of bed, I kiss her senselessly until she begs for more. Knowing she’ll be sore, I eat her out until she moans my name. Once she catches her breath, she offers to cook breakfast.

As we head downstairs, I get a call from the Montgomery’s private investigator. He explains there was a sighting of Jack in South Carolina. By the time the cops were called, he was gone again. Maybe allowing Piper to go to the beach yesterday wasn’t the best idea, but it was good for her and made her happy. However, I would’ve never forgiven myself if Jack had happened to find her outside. He might not be in Florida, but at this point, it’s too dangerous not to stay focused.

Once the call ends, I do a perimeter check, making sure everything’s secure, but I’m more paranoid the closer he gets.

I decide not to tell Piper unless she asks.

“How’s it going in here?” I ask once I return from my phone call.

“Well…I’ve thrown out two pieces of French toast, spilled a cup of orange juice, and realized halfway through that the wrong burner was on.”

“That’s better than the smoke detector blaring.” I chuckle. It’s adorable she’s trying, though.

“Don’t place your bets yet. I still have to finish cooking.” She glances over her shoulder and sighs. “No man will ever want to marry me if I can’t even cook breakfast.”

I snort, grabbing the spatula from her hand. “Let me teach you then.”

Once a couple of pieces are ready, she refills our juice glasses, and we eat and talk. I ask how she’s feeling, and she admits she’s going to take a painkiller and a hot bath.

“Okay, I’ll clean up here.” I kiss the top of her head before she takes off.

I send a text to Easton with an updated list since he’s supposed to come in a couple of days. Then I go look for Piper.

“Hey, have you seen my hairbrush?” she asks as she searches through the bathroom drawers.

“No. Where’d you have it last?”

“In here, where I always keep it.” She begins opening and closing the cabinet doors.

“Did you look in your room?”

“Yeah, twice. And your room. Where the hell could it have gone?”

My paranoia goes to Jack.

“I’ll add it to Easton’s list so he can bring you a new one,” I offer. “Unless you find it before then.”

She sighs in defeat, frustrated. “Okay, thank you. I guess for now, I’ll just let it go free and wild.”

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance