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“I was hoping you’d say that. I mean about wanting children. It’s not that I have to have them right away. A small part of me realizes it would probably be better to wait but I’ve always wanted a large family and I don’t want to be old when they’re graduating high school.”

“You realize we’ve done nothing to prevent pregnancy so far,” he said in a low voice.

“Do you mind?” she asked anxiously. “I mean would you be upset if I was actually pregnant before we got married?”

He chuckled. “It would be the height of hypocrisy for me to be upset over something I could have very well prevented.”

“I just want to be sure. I don’t want us to have a bad start. I want everything to be…perfect.”

He touched her nose and then traced a path underneath her eye and down the side of her face. “Do you suspect that you’re already pregnant, Ash? Is that why you’re bringing this up tonight? I don’t want you to be afraid to tell me anything. I’d never be angry with you for something that is equally my responsibility, if not more so. You were an innocent when I made love to you. Birth control absolutely should have been my responsibility.”

She shook her head. “No. I mean I don’t know. I don’t think so anyway.”

He rested his forehead on hers and thought for a moment that they already acted like a married couple who were at ease in their relationship. Strangely, he trusted Ashley and felt comfortable with her. There was a sense of rightness that he couldn’t deny. Maybe William Copeland had known what he was doing after all.

“Well, if you are, then fantastic. Really. I want you to tell me if you even suspect you could be. And if you aren’t? We’ll work on remedying that. Deal?”

She grinned and a delicate blush stained her soft cheeks. “Deal.”

“Now what do you say we go to bed so you can have your evil way with me?”

Her cheeks grew even redder and he smiled at the shy way she ducked her head.

He leaned in to nibble at her ear and then he whispered so the words blew gently over her skin. “I’ll do my very best to make you pregnant.”

To his surprise, she shoved him forward. He landed on his back on the mattress with her looming over him, a mischievous grin dimpling her cheeks. Then her expression grew more serious and her eyes darkened. “I love you so much, Devon. I’m the luckiest woman on earth. I can’t wait until we’re married and I’m officially yours.”

As she lowered her mouth to his, he was gripped by the feeling that she was completely and utterly wrong. It wasn’t she who was the lucky one.


“Ashley, if you don’t sit still we’re never going to get your hair and makeup right,” Pippa said in exasperation.

“I still think she should have just called in a stylist,” Sylvia said as she eyed the progress Tabitha was making on Ashley’s hair.

“Tabitha is a stylist, silly,” Ashley said. “She’s the best and who doesn’t want the best on their wedding day? And who knows more about makeup than Carly?”

Pippa snorted. “That’s so true. I’m convinced cosmetic companies should just pay her to endorse their products.”

“Close your eyes, Ash,” Carly said. “Time for mascara. Just a bit, though. Don’t want you looking clumpy on the big day.”

Ashley frowned. “Definitely not clumpy.”

“Darling, are you almost done?” Ashley’s mother sang out from the doorway. “You’re on in ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes?” Tabitha shrieked. “No way. Can you stall them, Mrs. C.?”

“I’m not going to be late to my own wedding,” Ashley said firmly. “Just hurry faster, Tab. My hair will be fine. Just put the veil over the knot.”

“Just put the veil over the knot,” Tabitha grumbled. “As if it’s that easy.”

Sylvia rolled her eyes, pushed between Tabitha and Ashley and quickly affixed the veil to the elegant chignon. “There, Ashley. You look beautiful.”

“Lip gloss and we’re done,” Carly announced. “Make a kissy face.”

Ashley smacked her lips and a moment later, Carly pulled away to allow Ashley to see herself in the mirror.

“Oh, you guys,” she whispered.

Her best friends beamed back at her in the mirror.

“You look beautiful,” Pippa said, her eyes bright with tears. “The most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”

“Absolutely you do,” Tabitha said.

The four women crowded in to hug her.

“Girls, time for you to go. Your escorts are waiting. We don’t want to make the bride late,” Ashley’s mother called.

Her friends scrambled toward the door, bouquets in hand.

“Your father is coming to get you now,” her mother said as she walked over. She paused when she got to Ashley and then smiled, tears glittering in her eyes. “My baby, all grown up. You look so beautiful. I’m so proud of you.”

“Don’t make me cry, Mom. You know I have no willpower.”

Her mom laughed and reached for her hands. She squeezed them and then helped her to her feet.

“Let me fix your gown. Your father will be pacing outside the door. You know how he hates to be late for anything.”

She fussed with Ashley’s dress and then there was a knock on the dressing room door.

“That will be him now. Are you ready, darling?”

Sudden nerves gripped Ashley and her palms went sweaty. But she nodded. Oh, God, this was really it. She was about to walk down the aisle and become Mrs. Devon Carter.

She threw her arms around her mom and hugged her tight. “Love you, Mom.”

Her mother squeezed her back. “Love you, too, baby. Now let’s go before your father wears a hole in the floor.”

She went ahead of Ashley to open the door and sure enough, her father was outside checking his watch. He looked up when he heard them and his expression softened. A glimmer of emotion welled in his eyes and he held out his hand to take hers.

“I can’t believe you’re getting married,” he said in a tight voice. “It seems like only yesterday you were learning to walk and talk. You look beautiful, Ash. Devon is a lucky man.”

She leaned up to kiss his wrinkled cheek. “Thank you, Daddy. You look pretty spiffy yourself.”

The wedding coordinator hurried up to them and motioned with rapid flying hands. She shooed them toward the entrance to the aisle and then spent a few seconds arranging the train of her dress.

Ashley’s mom was escorted down the aisle and seated, which only left Ashley to be walked down the aisle with her father.

The music began, the doors swung open and every eye in the church turned to watch as Ashley took her first step.

Her bouquet shook in her hands and she prayed her knees would hold up. The dress suddenly seemed to weigh a ton and despite the cold outside, the church felt like a sauna.

But then she caught sight of Tabitha, Carly, Sylvia and Pippa all standing at the front of the church, their smiles wide and encouraging. Pippa winked and held a thumbs-up then pointed toward Devon and made a motion like she was fanning herself.

And finally her gaze locked on to Devon and she forgot about everyone else. Forgot about her nervousness, her sudden doubt. Nothing but the fact that he awaited her at the front of the church and that from now on, she’d belong to him.

It gave her a warm, mushy feeling from head to toe.

And then her dad was handing her over to Devon. Devon smiled reassuringly down at her as they took the step toward the priest and the ceremony began.

It pained her to later admit that she didn’t remember most of the ceremony. What she did remember was Devon’s eyes and the warmth that enveloped her standing next to him as she pledged her love, loyalty and devotion. And the kiss he gave her after they were pronounced husband and wife scorched her to her toes.

Suddenly they were walking back down the aisle, this time together, as a married couple. They ducked into an alcove to

await the others and Devon pulled her close into his side.

“You look absolutely stunning.”

He kissed her again. This time slower. More intense. Long and lingering. He took his time exploring her mouth, and when he pulled away, she swayed and caught his arm to steady herself.

Around her, the noise of well-wishers grew and she realized that guests were coming out of the church.

“Darling, they need you back inside the church for pictures,” her mother called as she hurried towards Ashley and Devon. “All your attendants are already gathered. The others are going ahead to the reception. The car is waiting to take you and Devon after you’re finished with all the photos.”

Devon looked less than happy at the idea of posing for so many photographs but he gave a resigned sigh and took Ashley’s hand to lead her back into the sanctuary.

“It’ll be over soon,” she whispered. “Then we can be off on our honeymoon.”

He smiled down at her and squeezed her hand. “It’s the only thing making the next few hours bearable for me. The idea of you and me locked in a hotel suite for days.”

She flushed but shivered in delight at the images his words invoked. She too couldn’t wait for them to be alone.

But at the same time, this was her day and she was going to enjoy every single moment of it. She smiled as she was swarmed by her friends. She was surrounded by countless cousins, her uncles and aunts, her parents, her brother, distant relatives, friends.

It was truly the happiest day of her life.

Devon collected a glass of wine while Ashley’s brother took his turn on the dance floor with her. Devon should probably be dancing with one of her family members but she had so many female relatives that he couldn’t keep track.

Tags: Maya Banks Pregnancy & Passion Billionaire Romance