Page 9 of Boss of Me

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She’s so fucking strong. It’s her first day, and she acts like she owns the place.

I try to say thanks, but it comes out more like a growl. Stepping around her, I head for my office, but the lingering scent of ginger and coconut clings to me like quiet heat following me down the hall.



Biting my top lip, I quickly review what just happened. I walked in on some meeting of the He-Man, Woman Hater’s Club having finished my assignment early, and… Did Patton Fletcher just growl at me? I grin smugly.

People warned me about this job, about how impossible Patton Fletcher is to please. Well, take that, people. Round 1 goes to Rocky.

Taron is across the room watching me, and I quickly compose myself. “I guess I’ll get back to unpacking my desk.”

He slowly circles the table. “How’s it going?” Taron’s smile, his bright green eyes make him less threatening than Patton.

Still, he seems uncomfortable, like he doesn’t want to be here. I wonder if that’s why he hired me—it’s abundantly clear he’s the only reason I got this job.

“Going pretty well.” I smile up at him. “Lucky break my first assignment was in French.”

“Is that lucky?” He nods, and extends a hand toward the hall. “I would’ve been screwed.”

We take the short walk back to my office, where the banker’s boxes are right where he left them. The only thing I moved was my laptop, logging in and quickly starting on the new file as soon as Sandra loaded it on the server.

“I figured I’d move these into the drawers in the same order you have them here.”

He nods. “Familiarize yourself with them, but you don’t need to memorize. All the details are on the server. You can access it with your phone. Did Sandra get you set up?”

“Yep.” I grin and nod. “I’m all set.”

“I’m going to have to leave you with Patton on Madagascar. I’m working on a few new leads in the UAE.” He steps back and shoves a lock of brown hair behind his ear. “I think you can handle it.”

He goes to the door, and I give him a smile. “Thanks for giving me a chance.”

“You earned it.” He leaves, and I open the banker’s box on the desk.

All of the folders are thin, with only a few very basic facts on single sheets inside. I assume because everything is on the G-drive. I’ve only sorted five when Jerry taps on my doorjamb. What is this? Grand Central?

“How’s it going, New Girl?” Jerry Buckingham is completely different from Patton and Taron.

He talks a lot, which I can’t imagine goes over well with the devil. His outfit is basic khakis and a button-down shirt, no tie and a blue blazer. Total frat boy, only he’s too old to be a frat boy. His hands are meaty with short fingers, but I suppress my nose wrinkle.

“Pretty busy, actually.” I smile and do my best to be nice but not encouraging.

I walk around my desk and lift the other banker’s box from the floor, hoping to emphasize how busy I am, but when I straighten, I notice him obviously ogling my butt. Double ew.

He coughs and grins, sliding his palm down his lapel. “On your first day? That can’t be right. We usually give a few days’ grace period before we work you to death.”

“The boss didn’t get that memo. Patton assigned me a new client when I walked in the door. Skype meeting tomorrow.”

“Madagascar.” He nods, leaning against the entrance. “That shouldn’t be too hard for an international whiz like yourself.” The way his eyes run down my blouse makes me want to put my blazer back on. “Hey, a group of us go out for drinks every Thursday after work. You should tag along.”

I hesitate. “A group?”

“Yeah!” He brightens, encouraged. “Sandra, Dean, and me. We go to AJ’s for happy hour.”

Pressing my lips together, I consider the offer. Renée did tell me to make allies with Sandra. I just don’t trust drinks with Jerry. “I don’t think so.” I smile and do my best to be distantly friendly.

He steps closer. “You’re missing out. We’ll be discussing all the gossip leading up to the company picnic on Saturday.”

Tags: Tia Louise Romance