Page 39 of Trouble

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I feel the muscles in Spencer’s body flinch. “That does it,” he grumbles. “No more sculptures without a safety net… and a football helmet and metal gloves.”

Leaning back, I wipe my nose with the back of my hand. “Now I remember why I stopped doing these things.”

“They’re hazardous to your health.” His voice is so grumpy, I start to laugh.

Tears fill my eyes again, and I can’t stop laughing. I think I’ve lost it. “Thank you for saving my life.”

“Sly?” Daisy’s high voice echoes in the empty ballroom. “What the hell—Spencer? Are you okay?”

“Can you stand?” Spencer’s voice is gentler than I’ve ever heard it.


sp; He holds my hand and my elbow, helping me to stand carefully. Daisy is at my side wrapping her arm around my waist.

“What happened?”

“Oh, you know,” I try to joke. “The usual Sly-near-death-experience on a bed of roses.”

Her blue eyes are worried, and Spencer pats her back. “She’s going to be okay.”

“Whoa, what the hell? What did I miss this time?” Scout is with us, catching my other arm and helping me to a chair.

“I’m really fine.” I try to push back on all the fussing. Now it’s just overkill.

Spencer seems to have disappeared, and when I finally spot him, he’s bracing one hand on a table and leaning to the side. His face is ashen, and his eyes are squinted in a grimace.

“Spencer, are you okay?” I angle through the crowd of my friends, making my way to where my savior is clearly hurt. “Did I break something?”

His grimace is immediately replaced with a tight smile. “No, it’s fine. I’m just catching my breath.”

He isn’t fooling anybody.

“Is it your ribs? Ribs can’t really be fixed, but we can tape them.” Scout steps forward, which only makes him withdraw more.

“It’s not my ribs.” Spencer holds up a hand. “It’s an old injury. I tweaked my back playing racquetball with Miles. I probably irritated the muscle.”

“If that’s the case, Sly can help you. She got her degree in sports medicine, massage therapy. Give him the works, Sly.” Scout motions between us, but I hesitate.

“I’m glad to check you out. We can do it here or at my mom’s… Wherever you feel comfortable.”

“I’m going to head up to my room and see if I can treat it with ice and heat. I’ve got a nice jacuzzi tub. If none of that works, I’ll let you know. I’m glad you’re okay.” It’s a dismissive retort, and he limps to the doors.

If I didn’t know him better, I’d say he was running away. Only, not the great, cold and distant Spencer Carrollton. He’s far too fierce for that… Right?

“That guy is such a dick.” Scout shakes his head, but I punch him in the arm.

“That man just saved my life—and the centerpiece for the gala. Show some respect.”

“Ow—don’t hit me, witch.”

I pretend to lunge at him, and he ducks like he’ll tackle me. I lift my leg as if I’ll kick him, but Daisy steps in the middle of our play fight.

“Okay, kids…” She puts her arm around my waist. “I’m glad you’re okay. If Spencer’s down for the count, I need you to help me greet our guests. You up for it?”

I glance over at Courtney, who holds up both hands. “I’ve got to find my lost boy. Do what you need to do.”

* * *

Tags: Tia Louise Romance