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But it’s more than that. As hot as Owen is—and he’s super fucking hot—he could so easily be using me for my body.

But I don’t think that’s the case.

He cares about me. I’m not just some bridesmaid sitting on the wedding cake that he’s going to send away once he’s finished with me.

I’m the girl he took home with him, and now I’m the girl who gets to wake up beside him.

He cares about me.

In his sleep, Owen pulls me closer to him. Pressing my body against him—not in a sexual way, but in a way that makes me feel safe. Nothing can touch me while I’m in Owen’s arms. Nothing and no one.

He wouldn’t let them.

At first, what I felt for Owen was primal—I wanted to explore a previously hidden side of me that his twelve-inch dick had managed to bring out. I wanted to use his body and for him to use me.

And he did that. My pussy is already soaked again from the memories of last night—and, for a second, I’m tempted to wake Owen up with a little bit of morning head…but I decide against it.

My feelings for Owen aren’t just primal anymore. I know that his aren’t, either—they can’t be; not from the way he collected me from my office or took care of me when I was too tired to be coherent.

For the first time in my life, I feel safe with a man. Finally, someone who’s not going to let me down or walk away. I want to stay in this moment forever.

It only makes sense that it could never last.

My phone begins to ring. I can hear it vibrating from inside my purse in the other room.

Internally, I groan…but my company is going public today. I can’t be ignoring calls on one of the most important days of my life.

Carefully, I slip out of Owen’s arms, leaving him asleep in the bed looking like a Renaissance angel, with tousled hair and the sheets just gently revealing those hard, rippled abs.

The morning air hits my body as I climb out of bed. The sudden chill makes my nipples perk up. I almost forgot that I’m naked—but I guess it wasn’t as though Owen had a chance to pack pajamas when he swept me away from my office last night.

I pull on a robe and find my phone in my purse.

I see the name on the caller ID, and my stomach drops.

Oh, shit.

It’s Mom.

I take a deep breath and lift the phone to my ear.

“Hi, Mom—”

“I can’t believe you, Mira.”

The sudden ice and steel in her tone catches me off-guard, and for a minute, I feel like I’ve been slapped across the face.

“Mom, what are you talking about?”

“Whips and chains? Sexual hypnotism!” she screeches into the phone, and I take a few steps backwards. The couch brushes against the back of my legs, and I collapse backwards into it.

“Mom, seriously, what the fuck? What’re you talking about? I haven’t—”

“Don’t lie to me, Mira! Carl warned me that nasty half-brother of his was sniffing around you, but I thought you at least had the good sense not to let him take whatever he wanted without so much as a thought about the consequences!”

“I’m not lying! I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mom. What’s sexual hypnotism? You’re not making any sense.”

“You know what it is, Mira. My poor baby girl, publicly shamed like this…”

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance