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“At some point in our recent history, things changed for us,” Austin says from the podium. “It wasn’t about what’s best for everyone, or even working to compromise to make the country great. It began to become about what’s best for me. What do I want, versus what do we want. What’s good for us became uncool when compared to what’s making me feel good right now.”

There’s silence.

“We began to want things for ourselves without paying for them,” Aust

in says. “And we didn’t want to deal with our problems. And so we forgot ourselves. And we created a machine. A beast that fed our desire to forget.”

Photographers are clicking.

“How did we do that?” Austin asks. He pauses and smiles.

“We created a media machine that began by pitting us against each other. They scared the shit out of us and made us forget that we’re all fucking Americans. But they did it well. They made us forget and they knew that no matter who was elected, they would make money by tearing that person down and half the country would cheer them on. So they’ve been coming after me and my…dalliances and saying it’s the end of the fucking world when I’ve done so much good. They measure the inches on my cock and spend time on that rather than the millions of jobs I’ve brought back. And you can bet your last dollar that when Bob Walker made those accusations, they seized on it.”

There’s an embarrassed silence. Austin looks from his podium.

“I challenge anyone, in this room or in the whole country, to say I’m not the best thing that has ever happened to this country,” he says and, in this very moment, he doesn’t look like a President of the United States; he looks like a God King, descended from the heavens to give fire and wisdom to the humans living under him. If this was a battlefield, I believe that everyone in this room would follow Austin straight into the arms of death.

“WE’RE WITH YOU!” one of the onlookers lining up the war on the far corner shouts and, a few seconds after, more shouts of support start exploding through the room. Before I know it, everyone is up on their feet, clapping their hands and whistling. This impromptu standing ovation lasts for a few minutes, and I don’t think there’s any doubt in anyone’s mind, the country stands behind its President.

I guess that, even though my assignment was a failure, we succeeded in what was our purpose. The country stands with Austin and now… now I’m no longer needed.

“I’m going now,” I tell Tracy, going up to my feet. With all the confusion in the room, I can probably sneak out without anyone noticing.

Except Austin has other plans.

“One more thing,” Austin says into the mic, his strong voice booming over the loud celebratory ruckus. Everyone quiets down in response, and even I turn on my heels to see what else Austin’s going to say. And when I turn around, I realize that he’s looking straight at me.

“Even though my relationship with Ashley started the way it did…” He takes a deep breath, a few cracks showing in his poised posture. “She’s the best damn thing that has ever happened to me. And I don’t want to lose her just because I’m unconventional.” Still looking straight at me, he goes around the podium and starts walking down the aisle, heading toward me. I remain frozen in place, my mouth slightly ajar as I try to wrap my mind around what Austin has said.

Did I dream it? Or did he really say he didn’t want to lose me?

Coming up to me, Austin takes both my hands in his and offers me a gentle smile. The cameras are all focused on us, and everything that’s happening is being broadcasted to the entire world. I’m on the world stage now, billions of eyeballs on me.

“What are you doing, Austin?” I tell him in a whisper, my heart's racing so fast I wouldn’t be surprised if it simply jumped out of my chest.

“The right thing. The country needs a First Lady like you,” he replies with a whisper of his own and, without waiting for a reply, he goes down on one knee.

“You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, Ashley. I love you like I’ve never loved anyone or anything… and I need you by my side.” With that, he reaches inside his jacket and brings out a small box. Popping it open with a flick from his thumb, he shows me the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen, something antique and with a discrete diamond cresting the golden band. “Will you marry me?”

“I…” I stammer, not knowing what to say, but then every single thought inside my head falls into alignment. “Yes! Yes, I will!” I tell him, biting down on my lower lip as I feel the sting of tears in my eyes.

Smiling gently, Austin takes the ring out of the box and, grabbing my hand, he places it on my finger. It fits perfectly, almost as if destiny wanted that ring to be mine.

“It’s beautiful, Austin,” I whisper as he stands up in front of me, his eyes on mine.

“It was my grandmother’s. And now it’s yours, Ash,” he tells me, placing one hand on the nape of my neck and leaning in to kiss me.

All around me, the room seems to explode with the flash of cameras and the quick chatter of reporters and onlookers. But I don’t care about any of that, and I barely even register any of it.

Right now, I’m the happiest woman in the world.


We left the conference room, both our bodies and souls begging for us to surrender to the moment. Ignoring the millions of questions raining down on him, Austin simply grabbed my hand and lead the way out of the room. I walked after him as if I was living a dream, corridor after corridor, hallway after hallway.

Everyone we passed smiled at us, but no one dared say a word. They all knew this moment was one to be shared only by Austin and me. Now, completely lost inside the White House, I halt to a stop and force him to look at me.

“Where are we going?” I ask him, my heart beating fast inside my chest.

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance