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“You want to get something to eat?” he murmurs in my ear, sending another shiver through me.

“Yeah, that sounds great,” I hear myself saying.

Next thing I know, we’re seated in a corner booth of some cafe, coffee and cheesecake on the table between us.

“Thank you,” I say, probably for the hundredth time.

He chuckles. “It’s not every day I get to save a lovely lady like yourself.”

My eyes trail over his corded arms again. This guy is freaking ripped. Like he’s some kind of human weapon. I realize I want to know more about my rescuer.

“I don’t even know your name.”

“Zander,” he says with a grin.

“Madison. So you don’t often make daring rescues on the 6 Train?” I tease.

Another rumbling laugh that makes my girly bits tingle just a bit more. If that’s even possible. Zander here seems to have no trouble igniting my body.

“No. I actually just got to town this week. Trying to figure out where to next.”

My eyebrows lift. “So you’re a drifter?”

He shakes his head. “Just got out of the military. Not sure where I want to settle.”

How about right in between my legs?

I press my lips together to keep the words in, but I can’t fight the laughter that bubbles up at the thought. I don’t even know who I am tonight.

He quirks a brow, but I just shake my head and dive back into the cheesecake.

There isn’t a minute of our time in the diner that passes where we are at a loss for words. I feel oddly comfortable with this strange man.

So when Zander asks to walk me home, I find myself agreeing, even though I have no idea who he really is. All I know is that he saved me earlier, so he can’t be that bad.

And maybe it’s the adrenaline still pumping through my veins, but as we approach my apartment, I know I’m not myself. Because when he turns to face me when I stop and say, “This is me,” I step right up to him.

Not even waiting for him to make a move. Taking control for once. Because my life flashed before my eyes tonight, and all I want at this moment is to feel more alive than I’ve felt in a long time.

So I wrap my hands around Zander’s neck and press my body to his—and oh God, he’s just as hard as he looks. Everywhere. And I pull his sexy mouth down to mine.





Madison takes me totally off guard when she starts kissing me. But I sure as hell am not going to complain.

My arms go around her waist, pulling her petite little frame against me even harder, and I kiss her back.

She moans, and my cock that has been hard pretty much all night strains against the seam of my jeans.

Fuck, I want to take her upstairs right now. But I can’t tell what’s going through her head. I wanted to take her to get something to eat to make sure she was okay. I didn’t feel right sending her off after what happened on the train. And I certainly didn’t want her to walk home alone.

But right now? I don’t know where her head is at. She might just be reacting to what happened. Having some strange response to a traumatic situation.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic