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I lean forward, flick her hair off her shoulder. Her breath catches, and I register our connection once again. “I would never hoodwink you, Bellamy Hart.”

“I’d never let you,” she says.

Heat skids down my spine. Why, oh why, do feisty women get me going? They just fucking do. “Fair enough. So, you’re here to scope me out?”

“Yes, I came to the party to see if this was for real, and to ask to cover you. I didn’t go to the masquerade the other week thinking that the man who’d bet on me would be the same one I wanted to profile. Had I known, I wouldn’t have done what I did.”

“Kiss me?”

“No,” she says confidently, then tap dances her fingers up my thigh. Those sexy, intrepid fingers. A spark of warmth flares in her wake. “Toy with you.”

“But you’re so good at playing with toys, Bellamy,” I say, taking her hand, pulling it off me. Only I don’t let go. I squeeze her fingers. “The thing is, so am I.”

Her eyes widen. “What do you mean?”

Letting go of her hand, I reach into my inside jacket pocket. “I’ve got a party to host. Here’s my card. I’m not saying yes. I’m saying email me, and I’ll set up a time to hear your pitch.”

I hand her the card, sweep her hair off her neck, and press a kiss to her cheek, lingering till the soft flutter of her breath whooshes across my jaw.

Then I leave her at the bar.

She may have played me, but I’m a master of the game. I romance men and women every single damn week.

Bellamy Hart won’t know what’s hit her.


Catch Me If You Can

From the Email Correspondence of Bellamy Hart and Easton Ford

* * *

Dear Mr. Ford,

* * *

It was a pleasure meeting you last night. I greatly appreciate your time and consideration of my request. I eagerly await the opportunity to share more details on my prospective profile of you. There is a lovely coffee shop on Madison and 73rd called Doctor Insomnia’s. We could have a cup of tea or coffee and discuss my proposal.

* * *


Bellamy Hart

Dear Ms. Hart,

* * *

Do you like chocolate?

* * *


Your Most Worthy Adversary

Dear Self-Dubbed Most Worthy Adversary,

* * *

You tell me. Do I?

* * *

I have no doubt you researched me six ways to this Sunday morning. Dare I wager you even looked me up the moment I departed last night? I’d certainly bet good money you already know the answer to your question.

* * *



* * *

P.S. Why must we be adversaries? Can’t we simply be two people who want something from each other? I want to share fascinating stories with my audience, and you want to tell your tale.

Dear Person from Whom I Want Something,

* * *

See above salutation. It just doesn’t have the same ring as Your Worthy Adversary. Though, I do very much want something from you.

* * *


Your One Hundred and One Millionth Newest Fan

* * *

P.S. Your podcast is scintillating. Congrats on one million listens. Why didn’t you tell me about it before? Say, on the night we met? Might have been nice to know who I was dealing with. Not Daisy but rather . . . Your Most Devoted Romance Guide.

Dear Newest Fan,

* * *

You never answered my question, so I shall ask again. Did you look me up the second I left?

* * *


Your Most Devoted Guide to Romance

* * *

(That’s what my fans call me. You can just call me Romance Goddess, though, if you wish. Some call me that too.)

* * *

P.S. I also researched you.

Dear Romance Goddess,

* * *

What a fitting greeting.

* * *

Of course you researched me, and of course I researched you. It’s what people like you and me do. Yes, I know you like chocolate and old standards. But the thing is, we don’t always say in our online bios who we truly are. That is, indeed, the crux of Carpe Diem’s existence. So, since you didn’t answer, I ask again—do you like chocolate?

* * *


Just call me . . . The Guy Who Got Away

Dear . . . But Are You, Though?

* * *

I didn’t lie in my bio. I adore chocolate. Also, cake is cool. So is ice cream. But not all sweets and treats are created equally. Some I like so much more than others. Sort of like . . . suitors.

* * *


A Chocolate Devotee—and in this area, I absolutely play favorites

Dear Chocolate Devotee,

* * *

We can play it one of two ways. I can ask your favorite kind of chocolate, or I can agree to your request and learn your preference firsthand at Lulu’s Chocolates at two o’clock tomorrow. I’m a gentleman, though, so I’ll ask whether that time works for you.

* * *

But the part of me that’s not a gentleman is very much looking forward to discovering which kind of chocolate you crave most. Especially since I knew you played favorites. And I’ll enclose my phone number below should you ever want it.

Tags: Lauren Blakely Romance