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Location: Green Row Estates

Year: 1941

It had been two years, and we started a life together. A new life, one that made sense. Well, sort of.

At first, it was strange to adjust to an entirely new set of rules and principles. The Great Depression. World War II. Everything was happening as it was told, but it was so… different from what I imagined it to be.

We worked hard to keep our family out of the public eye, and it seemed to be working. We had to be aware of the odd customs and social habits. For instance, I couldn't eat with my hands at a dinner party. I couldn't start talking about time travel or things like Onyx Laboratories.

Those things existed, but they were to be put on hold for the time being. Right now, we had bigger fish to fry, such as raising a very fussy baby named Alexander. As it turned out, being a momma is time consuming. Who would've thought?

Lucian did his best to keep himself busy. He complained a lot about not getting to see Alexander as often as he wanted to, but it was important that he blended in a little. He took up a low-level job at the power plant in case some news was to break in relation to my mother's location. Assistant to the secretary was the title given to him. It wasn't his first choice, but he worked in stride, believing it was what needed to be done for our family.

Strangely enough, people didn't question his position. To stand side by side with the workers of the plant was viewed as a humble act, especially when the ownership was in the lineage.

My mother had yet to come back to Greenrow Estates. Our family may have owned the plant, but we did not own her. We were effectively shut out of the decision-making process of the business. She left us with one letter, one letter that I received on this day.

I took my time tearing the edges of the envelope open.


By now, you will have settled in the new homestead. Congratulations. You deserve it.

I'm certain you have discovered the power plant. I'm also quite sure that you have some disdain over my absence. Will you hate me if I tell you to have patience? There is more to this story than you know, and I am sure that once you see me again, you'll realize just how deep this really goes.

Through my travels, I have discovered many truths. Humor me by indulging in these revelations.

Humans are the product of their design. Though they engage in acts of free will, they fall into a maddening self-fulfilling prophecy. Through acts of love and hate, they define what is at the heart of who they are, carving out new paths for every soul born in this cosmos. Will we continue to live with goodness? Or will we fall to darkness?

Critter, the universe is perfectly crafted, but it is not the universe I am worried about. It is this world. Earth.

The only known cure to our pain is love. So find it. Be happy. Life won't always be easy, but it mostly is.

I have met my grandson in the future. He is a good man with a strong moral compass. Do not worry about what might happen. I will fix what I've brought to this world. This planet will get a second chance. Do not fret.

I am connected to you. Always and forever,


I quietly folded up the letter and walked into the study. I gazed upon the long rows of books I had started to collect. Books by Einstein and Oppenheimer, as well as maddened and sporadic writings from occult leaders such as Crowley and others. I had barely any time to dig into most of them, but I would digest them slowly as Alexander aged.

Quickly, I took the letter and placed it into a book at random. "Well, Mom. When I see you, I'll know what to do," I said.

I shut the door and tiptoed back into the kitchen. I tightened my apron and checked on the chicken in the oven. Behind me, I heard the door open. Lucian. "Honey, I'm home!"

I angled my head and watched him swing his coat onto the rack by the front door. "Chicken will be ready in twenty minutes," I called out.

His hands ran across my dress, clamping around my navel with a soft growl. He traced his fingers lower, meeting the gentle curves of my womanhood. "Who needs to eat food when I can eat you whenever I want?" He moaned and bit the cartilage of my ear. “Let’s make another one. What do you say?”

I relaxed into him and adored the way he thrust up against me. His hands dug deeper. "Another baby? Are you really asking me for that, right now?"

"It's been over a year. I think another baby would be good for us," he insisted.

Easy for him to say. He didn't have to spend twenty hours a day cleaning, easing, and nursing a hungry boy. Nevertheless, I couldn't deny our blessings. I often dreamed about having another child with him. A daughter, this time, maybe. If only it was up to me.

Lucian laid out the case. "Alexander is out and about with the nanny. She won't be back until late tonight," he said.

His fingers slipped inside of me, and I let out a quiet whimper as he curled them against my spot. "Maybe," I said, exhaling. "But I need to set the table first," I protested and moved forward, out of his grasp.

Tags: Penelope Woods Alpha Unknown Paranormal