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Within seconds, the spot where our raft had been was engulfed in flames. It spread up and through the trees, chasing us as we swam. "Hold your breath!" I screamed.

I kicked off of the floor, diving forward and under, carrying them through the dark water. I cocked my head up and squinted. A flaming tree cracked and toppled over us. It just barely missed our heads. The entire marsh seemed to burn with the frenzy of fire and ash.

My breath was running out. I swam until the bright embers disappeared. Slowly, I brought them up.

Lilly choked on the air. "Is he finally gone?" she asked.

I spun around and looked at the devastating flames. "I saw him escape from the trees," I said, finding a piece of land to step up on.

Aiden collapsed onto the soil and breathed. "What are we going to do? Our weapons are gone," he said.

I swung my rifle off of my shoulder. "Still got mine," I said.

Lilly pulled out a 9 mm. "And mine."

"Well, fuck me then," Aiden muttered.

Under any other circumstance, I would have laughed. This wasn't fun and games. This was going to be somebody's night of reckoning. I just hoped it was us doing the judging.

I tossed him the rifle and pulled a blade from my leg. "I know my father's tactics. I don't need a gun."

He nodded and started to walk. "We should split up," he said.

"Again?" Lilly asked.

I quickly took her hand, and our eyes met. "I'll head back toward the flames. You stay close to your father."

"No," she said. "I won't do that. You'll get killed."

I kissed her cheek and let go. "Don't worry about me. He's injured."

Her eyes widened. "Be careful," she said.

"I'm always careful."

I ducked under and swam across the wetlands. When I got nearer to the fire, I felt my chest burn. I had been waiting for this moment all of my life. Sweet revenge.

Strangely, it didn't feel as liberating as I thought. I found a safe tree and used its roots to climb out of the water. I sat back on a piece of land and held my knife ready at my side.

"Father!" I screamed. "Father, come out and face me, once and for all."

I squinted away from the harsh, radiant orange and treaded through the mud and dying embers. Noises and cries of all kinds filled the terrible marsh. Death was everywhere. I felt him watching over my shoulder, threatening to take away the love I’d found.

"You won't take her from me," I grunted. "You can't damn me to the same life as you."

Above my head, a flock of birds jumped and flew from the trees. He had to be close. I spun and clumsily swung the knife. "I know you're here," I said. I caught my heel against a rock and nearly fell. "Face me like a man, Father."

I turned once more and saw him rise up from the water and pass through the flames. Liquid fell from his body as he climbed out of the marsh. I gripped the blade tightly. "What are you doing, Father? Let them pass."

He stepped closer to me, revealing a pistol. He cocked the hammer ready and aimed, wheezing with every step taken. "I… have… an obligation… to kill you all."

I looked down at the barrel and inched away from him. "You'd kill your own son?" I asked.

"You're a monster," he barked. "We all are. It's sin that turned us this way, and it's sin that will be judged."

"Get rid of all bitterness, carelessness, and rage. I will end you, Father."

I dove and swung the blade around, lodging it in his side. He fired his gun. Twice. I was too stunned to know if I got hit, but I knew I had him.

Tags: Penelope Woods Alpha Unknown Paranormal