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I threw my arms around Juliana and held my hands around her fragile ears.

“Keep the goodness inside your heart alive, little fawn. You have already changed my life forever,” I said, covering the fear in my voice with a false sense of courage. Motherhood was a strange role for me, but it didn’t matter if the threat was the devil himself. I wasn’t going to allow anything to hurt my daughter.

I held her close to my heart, sheltering her so she could not hear the awful noises that Talis and I were forced to endure. I looked that fiery demonic presence in the eyes and felt all fear leave me. It was like I knew death was watching, forever planning and waiting for the right time to strike, but it didn’t worry me anymore.

A blinding light shot through the interior. It consumed everything in sight, and, once again, I felt my body turn to particles. All things disappeared until I felt myself reassemble, starting at the cellular level and ending with skin sensation and general awareness. I could see the stars again. I could see Juliana and Talis.

I could see Earth.


He threw up his hand to quiet me. “Before you ask me what just happened or what I did to get us out of this, I’m going to have to stop you right there. I have no fucking clue.”

I looked down at Juliana, my little fawn. She wasn’t crying anymore, but she sure didn’t look too excited to see a fire demon hours after she was born.

I had my own thoughts and feelings on what happened, but I was no astrophysicist, and I doubt I could have explained it even if I was. Life was incredibly complex, and death seemed to be, too. There were black holes, dark matter, multiple dimensions, and so much more. It was all interlocked.

I wanted to run toward the window, but my body was not having it. As our ship glided down, I finally felt the emotion give way. It was like I could cry again, for real. The tears that came out were tears of joy and understanding. Everything was perfect. Everything would always be perfect. And when it didn’t feel like it, we’d work to make it feel better.

But in the end, I knew the web of life connected in a marvelous way. For me, Talis, Juliana, and I were the trinity at its center, but connection expanded outward. I couldn’t wait for all of the adventures that would come next.

I held all of the goodness in and accepted it. “I love you. Both of you,” I said.

We were getting closer to entering Earth’s atmosphere. Entire continents were visible now, and I could see the lights of the fishermen sparkle across the ocean.

Talis knocked a button and unbelted. Turning, he finally knelt near my seat and took my cheeks into his hands. His eyes were heavy, exhausted, but he was tireless in his quest to make things right for me.

He pressed his forehead against mine and breathed in my scent. “You are my life blood. My bond to you is unbreakable, and I will love you until the end of time.”

His seed made me whole.

Now I knew. The seed was life. And I craved his.

Our lips crushed together with an unnatural heat filling my body. His rugged lips consumed me, and the smell of his masculine scent sent my endorphins soaring. I glided my tongue against his. It was time to come back down.

He pulled away and bit my lip playfully. “I need you to get all of the rest you can get. Because as soon as your cunt heals, I’m going to split it back open.”

That alpha made me happy.

I grinned and reached down, twisting my palm around his growing cock. My pulse raced, but I had to brace for entry.

We entered Earth’s atmosphere, and I felt the force of gravity take us down, closer and closer toward the open forests. As we prepared for landing, Talis focused in on a patch in what appeared to be in the middle of nowhere, near the east coast of North America.

“Lock her in and brace yourself,” he shouted.

Talis grabbed his communications device, but he paused before speaking into the receiver. There was a lot on both our minds, but I kept wondering what time period we had ended up inside. I wondered who was president, and how expensive gas was. My mind immediately snapped back to the previous mundane banality that most of us feel on an everyday basis. Somehow, it all seemed so wonderful. Yes, even taxes seemed like a godsend.

Most of all, I hoped and prayed that we hadn’t changed things around entirely. It wasn’t going to be easy going against the interests of the most powerful people in the world.

Talis pressed the comms button and sighed before speaking. “Mayday, mayday. Ship Registration ID: 486-2c94x-01. Is anybody out there on this channel? I repeat. Can anyone hear me?”

I held my breath. Even Juliana was quiet and curious. Eventually, the scratching sounds of frequencies converging together came on the radio. “Come in... near... grounds...”

Our ship picked up speed. We were driving straight into the forest, and the lights started to shift colors. The alarm system went off, and an announcement was made in a language I couldn’t be bothered to understand. “We’re going down!” Talis yelled.

I belted in, made sure Juliana was as safe as she could be, and I held on tight as our hunk of lonely metal smashed through the leaves, and then the branches, leveling the massive trunks onto the darkened soil and bouncing us forward like a knocker in a pinball machine game.

We spun, and everything was disorienting and thrown back into chaos again, perhaps more so than when we were flying through that wormhole. I thought we might be sent hurtling through the windows, but as we dragged across the center of the forest, we slowed. We were alive.

Tags: Penelope Woods Alpha Unknown Paranormal