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“Let me go,” I pleaded.

His hands tightened. He took me like a snake. “I am the last of my species. All I need is someone like you. And all of this, as painful as it is, is for your own good.”

He struck me.

The blow was instantaneous. One swift push of my forehead led to the back of my head solidly hitting the computer screen. I don’t remember anything except the glass breaking and my body crumpling against the floor below, blood spreading far too quick.

As I faded, he took my ankles and dragged me away. I was no longer the scientist. I was the test subject, and I’d soon be too fucked to walk straight.



As I stared at her sprawled body, I debated whether I should claim her right away. It was completely within bounds among the alphas of Nyela.

I had no regrets. Taking her was the only way to fix everything that had gone wrong. For both of us.

It took hours for her to wake, but when she did, she tried to move. Then, came her muffled cries. Good thing I gagged the little slut with some cloth I found.

“You can scream or we can talk like adults,” I said.

When she calmed down, I wanted to hear what she had to say. Slowly, I removed the cloth from her mouth.

“You’re up,” I muttered but was forced to quickly bite my tongue when the pain from my abdomen suddenly shocked my system. I reached into my bag to grab a new bandage, but I all I found was an empty box. I must have dropped my personals.

A chill ran through my body. I left my identification tablet with the cargo. It had my information in all the languages of the galaxy. If anyone were to find it, they’d see my crimes. They could alert another federation and collect the bounty that had been placed over my head.

“What did you tie me with?” Mia asked.

She had rolled up against the wall, fighting her fingers against the impossibly tight knots of rope that coiled around her body. She’d never escape, but her actions brought me out of my funk. “Verintwine rope, known for its strong grip,” I told her. “Impossible to escape.”

She jerked forward, beads of sweat dripping down her forehead, face red and swollen. She screamed louder than I expected. “You think I give a flying fuck about your rope?”

I placed my fist against her cheek as a warning. Holding it there, I waited until her tone changed. She quieted. “What do you want with me? Please. I just want to know,” she finally asked.

I tried not to grin, but it was nearly impossible to put her pussy out of my mind. My eyes told her all she needed to know. I wanted her petite body, to steal the shine and smoothness that ran up her thighs. I wanted her taste in my fucking mouth, while those pretty lips of hers draped around my cock.

I wanted to make her practice for it. I was too big for her to take in one pump, but she’d keep trying until it became something for her to brag about.

A human cunt that could take an alpha would be an extraordinary thing.

My cock throbbed at the thought of spreading her delicious hole. “I am an advanced life form. I want you.”

The things I could do to her. The melting orgasms I could so easily give her. My biology was perfect. Any pain felt would soon fade into ecstasy.

Naturally, she went back to screaming so I gagged her and forced her into one of the cages within the pathetic hospice wing.

“The cage is where you’ll stay until you act like a good omega,” I commanded. When she played dumb and didn’t move, I kicked the metal bars and roared. “Get.”

I untied her hands and feet, and allowed her some movement.

“But I’m not an omega,” she cried as I closed and locked the gate.

Her brain was searching for an escape. I needed her to shut the fuck up and listen.

“You were wise to stop the engines,” I said, sitting down in front of the bars, staring at her perfectly thick lips but still maintaining composure.

“I turned on the emergency systems and locked down the appropriate areas. I did not stop the engines,” she said.

Tags: Penelope Woods Alpha Unknown Paranormal