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Killian doesn’t grace him with a response. He’ll do what he’s told to do, but he’s not going to give into the evil comedy act of the century.

They’re all led Cassian’s small caravan near the bodies. Lucas helps Ruby in, and Killian hears him whisper, “I did this for the children.”

Killian wrestles against his lock bracelets. “It’s impossible to break free,” Cassian says. “But you know that, Killian. You used the locks on the omegas at the invasion of Varikar.”

Killian screams so loud it tears his vocal cords. “I’ll fucking kill you, you monster.”

Calmly, he walks back to the children. He kneels. “Sweet, sweet baby alphas. Bred from the finest fruit I had to offer.”

He places his palm around on of the children’s faces and gently glides across the small alpha’s cheek.

Killian goes berserk. He tries to stand, but an electric shock shoots through the chain locks.

Vash leans by him, eyeing Lucas like a hawk. “You backstabbing motherfu--”

Lucas interrupts. “She’s dead, Vash. She’s fucking dead.”

Killian feels like he’s losing sanity. “What do you mean she’s dead?”

As Lucas takes a breath, Cassian chuckles to himself. “I saw her with my own eyes. Her body. Her face. Her regal nose and thick-lipped frown. I saw her, dammit. She was… cold.”

Vash twists his neck. “No. I don’t believe it,” he says. “He has betrayed us. He can’t be trusted.”

Killian wholeheartedly agrees. “He ruined our family.”

The rage hits him over and over again, but he is powerless to do anything about it. Adrenaline is absorbed into his system, but he’s left weaker than ever before.

They had one chance, and they fucking blew it.

He looks across at

Ruby. Her eyes are glued open in horror. The color in her face has started to come back, but there’s not telling if the drugs will do any good in the long run.

Love has destroyed them.

“You’re wrong. We can still be a family,” Lucas says. “If Rae is dead, we have nowhere to go except home. The ouroboros was our home. What other option did I have?”

Lucas’ justified expression only drives the knife in deeper. Killian sinks further into misery.

Every alpha has the capacity to fall. He just didn’t think it would be Lucas.

Vash sighs, breath billowing around his face. “I’ll never let my children grow up like us,” he says. “I loved you, Lucas. You were my brother ‘til the end. Don’t let Cassian fool you. Once he has what he wants, he’ll kill you.”

Lucas looks stunned.

Cassian scoops the squirming children into his chest. “I have a proposition,” he says, bouncing them against his arms. “I’ll take you to the Iron Eye. I’ll show you my machine. You’ll see first hand the beauty and power of my machine.”

“Do we have any choice in the matter?” Killian asks.

“Free will?” Cassian laughs at the thought. “That’s precisely what I’m trying to end.”


With no food, no sun, and no viable way out, Rae stands with the young omega near the particle accelerator. The heat warms her skin. Every second that passes sends shockwaves of anxiety through her system.

She can’t see him again. She can’t.

He’s closer than she ever imagined. Alongside the motherboard’s taunting laughter is the understanding that this is all over. Cassian finally won the eternal battle over her body, mind, and soul.

Tags: Penelope Woods Broken Angel Erotic