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“It’ll flash three more times before its battery dies. After that, we just have our memory, so keep those eyes sharp. Don’t let anything out of sight, and keep that drink tucked away. There’ll be no more of that from here on out.”

Lucas sighs. The drink was just about the only pleasure he was allowed to enjoy. There has been no sex. No dripping penetration. None of what he aches to receive has come to fruition. They have followed the path like fucking monks. The drink was all he got.

Honey… her sweet nectar. Could he miss anything more?

They take off toward least resistance. With the snow hills illuminated, the area is much easier to see. Far off, he observes the Iron Eye, but even closer is something to take notice of.

He can’t see what the object is, but it’s inert and small. “Ahead of us,” Lucas says.

Aiden rips out his binoculars. “I see it. A figure?” he asks.

The blue grid dies out. They’re back to no visibility as darkness reclaims the land.

The bot flashes again. They jog, and when they get closer to the object, Lucas can make out what it is.

Before the blue grid disappears again, he stops ahead of a small statue. The light goes out, but it burns the image in his mind. It’s a gold ouroboros statue.

“How is this possible?” Aiden asks.

Lucas tightens his jaw and stops breathing. He drops to his knees and starts digging. “It’s a grave,” he says.

But he can’t understand it either. The Ouroboros was the alpha army he belonged to, but they don’t exist anymore. This grave, if one, looks fresh. Meaning, someone left it there for them to find.

Another blue flash goes off. They’ve got thirty seconds to decide what to do.

“Out here?” Aiden says, looking around. “It’s empty. There’s not a soul around us.”

Lucas drives the butt of his rifle into the earth. He digs until the earth turns soft. The wet slush of snow and sand numbs Lucas’ hands. In fact, his entire body feels like it’s ready to give up, but his heart is pumping, alive.

He hits something hard. It’s wood.

Brushing off the excess dirt, he cocks his head and looks at Aiden, exhilarated. “Don’t just stand there. Help me get this thing out,” he says.

Aiden drops and digs out the surrounding snow and mud. Eventually, it’s easy to see what the object is. As expected, it’s a coffin, decorated with gold, silver, and jewels that line around the lid. Whoever is inside was held with esteem, but why in the hell would anyone be buried here?

Out of breath and exhausted, the alphas grab the silver hands and pull. It doesn’t budge, and Aiden falls against it, groaning in pain.

“What’s the matter?” Lucas asks. “You tired, already?”

Aiden’s chest pumps. His stubble has collected small crystals of ice. Large bags have formed under his eyes, creating a sense of weariness among them. “We’ve been traveling for days. Do you really have to ask?”

Gathering the rest of their energy is difficult, but they get the coffin out of the ground. Without exhausting the rest of their resources, Lucas opens it up. Inside is a woman, very dead.

Lucas’ mind seems to shut down. He tries to catch his breath, but a nauseating phlegm hits the back of his throat. He vomits into the snow, cries when he realizes it’s not some kind of fucked up illusion or hallucination from the blue drink.

It’s Rae. She’s dead. And Lucas is devastated. A broken saint, he turns numb.

"It can’t be," Aiden whispers.

If someone is sending a message, he doesn't know who it could be.

A voice sounds behind them, raspy and familiar. Too fucking familiar. “I knew you’d be back.”

Lucas slowly turns, unable to believe his ears. “Cassian,” he says.

Sure enough, it’s his old leader. The massive brute stands about ten feet from them, eyeing the grave. “Lucas,” he replies. “I was expecting the others t

o stand with you during this troubling time. I suppose I was wrong.”

Tags: Penelope Woods Broken Angel Erotic