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“Yes, ma’am,” he said, though his tone mocked her as he backed off. “Lead the way. I’ll bring the rest.”

Aware of his eyes on her, Jenna hurried inside. Perhaps she was overreacting. Perhaps the cowboy was genuine in his offer of help. But he gave her the creeps.

Rowdy followed her into the house and though she would have preferred he leave immediately, she didn’t want to be rude. She began putting the groceries in the cabinets.

“You wouldn’t happen to have a cold drink for a hot man, would you?”

Jenna ignored the double entendre. There was no way he had worked up a sweat in this weather.

She took a can of orange soda from the refrigerator, handed it to him and went back to work. Rowdy leaned an elbow against the granite countertop and watched her.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you something, Jenna.”

She slid a carton of eggs onto the refrigerator rack and shut the door. Cool air wafted out. “What is it?”

“A friend of mine is having a party Saturday night. I thought you might want to get out of here, have some fun.”

“Thank you for the kind offer but I have a baby.”

“So we hire a sitter. I know lots of girls.”

She imagined he did. “I really can’t.”

“Ah, come on. We’ll have fun.”

“I—I already have plans.” It was a lie worth telling.

“Cancel them.”

The man wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“I’d prefer not to.” She started around him.

He grabbed her elbow. His face hardened. “So what’s the deal? You and Dax have something going? Is that why you won’t go out with me?”

She stiffened. “I beg your pardon?”

He laughed, though the sound didn’t delight. “You sure are cute when you talk prissy. Come on, Jenna, throw me a bone. I’ll show you a good time.”

She tugged her arm, but his fingers bit into the flesh. “Please let me go.”

“On one condition.”

She sighed. “I really can’t go out with you. Please. I have duties here.”

“What kind of duties, Jenna?” He yanked at her, pulling her so close she could smell his breath. He’d been drinking. “What exactly does Dax pay you for?”

She went as cold as ice inside. “I do not appreciate the insinuation. Please unhand me.”

“Sure thing, darlin’.” He pulled her closer. “Just one little kiss and I’ll be on my way.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Well, think again, honey.” And his face descended.

Dax wiped his boots on the mat, eager to get inside and tell Jenna the news. That mare she liked was going to foal tonight. But first he took extra care not to track unmentionable stuff onto the clean carpet and tile. She never complained, but she’d given him the evil eye a couple of times. He did not want to make his housekeeper unhappy.

Shaking his head, he chuckled to himself. Fancy-talking Jenna with her real fur house shoes and gourmet meals was quickly becoming more than a housekeeper. She was becoming a part of his life and of Gavin’s. The Christmas decor that looked like something out of a magazine wasn’t the only thing full of cheer in this once-somber ranch house.

As he crossed the foyer and living room, he heard her voice. She was probably on the phone inviting someone else to the Christmas whing-ding. His smile widened. She even had him looking forward to the invasion of his privacy.

Her tone rose higher. Another voice answered. A male voice. Stomach dropping like a brick, Dax stopped to listen. What was a man doing in the kitchen with Jenna?

A flash of memory made him shudder. Reba, half-naked, in the arms of his brother.

He bit down on his back teeth and shook away the image. Jenna was not his cheating, lying wife.

Yet the dread weighing him down wouldn’t go away. He started forward then stopped again to listen.

The pair in the kitchen were not murmuring love words. Jenna’s voice sounded strained, frightened. Tension hummed in the air.

Adrenaline kicked in. Something was wrong.

He rounded the wall into the kitchen. His first vision was of Rowdy and Jenna, bodies pressed close. Their mouths were mere inches apart.

The memory of Reba in Sam’s arms came again. Pain slammed through Dax, stealing his breath.

Stuck between Rowdy and the counter, Jenna twisted her face to one side. “Stop it, Rowdy. Stop it.”

One hand came up to press at Rowdy’s chest.

Dax shook his head, battling down the past to understand the present.

Jenna was not inviting Rowdy’s attentions. On the contrary. She was resisting.

Relief replaced jealousy. Just as quickly a cold fury washed over him.

Fist clenched, he stormed into the kitchen. “You heard the lady, Davis. Back off.”

Tags: Linda Goodnight Billionaire Romance