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“Those are all my favorites, Jace Stone. What aren’t you telling me?”

“Your uncle is full of information.”

After Savannah had told her uncle about breaking things off with Richard, he’d called me last night to make sure she was okay. I let it slide as to why he was asking me, but, eventually, I’d admitted to taking Savannah out, which he seemed happy with.

“I should have known. When did you ask him?”

“He called last night to check on you. He asked me what my intentions were now that you are free, so I mentioned tonight’s date,” I admit.

She throws her head back and laughs. “I bet he was delighted with that bit of informa


I grin. “As soon as I told him, I could imagine him trying to keep the grin from his face.” She smiles fondly as I continue, “Once he seemed to have his emotions under control, he filled me in on all your likes and dislikes. It was hard to end the conversation with him.” Sighing, I add, “Ned is a great guy, and an amazing friend, so it means a lot to me that he’d trust me with you.”

Her hand lands on my thigh, causing all kinds of reactions in my body—delight, arousal, longing.

“He speaks highly of you, Jace. He always has, and it’s only since we met that I’ve taken more notice.”

I lift her hand to my lips and kiss her palm.


Knowing Uncle Ned has been trying to get Jace and me together causes my stomach to flip in delight. He was never too keen on Richard, but I ignored it. I didn’t want to admit that I’d made a mistake and had to deal with life by myself. I used Richard, and that doesn’t make me feel too good. There is nothing standing in the way of me being with Jace, but I’m just not sure I’m ready for my new relationship to become public knowledge.

If they didn’t work out of the same station some of the time, then it wouldn’t really matter, but when there’s a risk of Richard and Jace running into each other, I’m not sure how wise it will be.

“What are you thinking about?”

I glance at Jace, and he continues, “You had a pensive look on your face…serious thoughts.”

“Hmm, I guess.”

“You going to share,” he persists.

The smile that he has plastered on his face slips slightly at my hesitancy. “I was kind of getting maudlin with my thoughts about Richard. I can’t help but wonder how he’ll react when he finds out that I finally worked up the courage to end whatever we had to be with you… You work out of the same station as well. I don’t think it would bother me as much otherwise.”

Silence follows my statement and I’m hoping it’s because he’s concentrating on the road. He has left it now and is following the edge of a field before he parks the truck between some trees.

Unbuckling my seatbelt, he pulls me across his lap. “If you want to take some time to get used to being alone, or to keep our relationship quiet for a while, then I’ll be here to support you. I don’t want to be responsible for making you rush into something.”

“We’ve been wanting each other for a while now, so there is no rush involved…at all.” I lean forward and kiss him, but my stomach growling has us breaking apart and laughing.

“You need feeding.”

“I am hungry.” He moves to let me up from his lap, but I hold on.

When I have his attention, I cup his whisker-covered jaw and tell him, “I don’t have any doubts about being with you.” I place a quick kiss to his lips. “I just feel guilty over Richard. I basically used him, and didn’t want to see that.”

“You didn’t use him. You didn’t know what you were doing and let him take over, that’s different… With that out of the way, let’s eat and enjoy being with each other without anyone getting in the way anymore. Stop worrying.”

“I can do that.”


He quickly kisses me before opening his door and slides out with me still in his arms.

“Wrap your legs around me, babe.” He smirks.

Tags: Lexi Buchanan Bad Boy Rockers Erotic