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“Mara, can you go and find Dahlia? Reece is freaking out because she isn’t answering her phone and you’re the only one who goes out of your way to talk to her.”

Rolling my eyes, I open my bedroom door to my mom who has been shouting through it about Dahlia. I do get along with her whenever we bump into each other although she was difficult to talk to at the beginning. I don’t blame her really, but I’m happy my mom seems to have accepted her in this whole weird situation.

“Please Mara. You know Reece isn’t going to settle until she’s accounted for.”

“I’ll go,” I drop to my bed, “but I only have—”

“Two hours,” Mom finishes for me.

“Kristy is already here to start on everyone’s hairstyles and she’s in Jessie and Robin’s room so you and Dahlia can be last. Just go now.” Mom starts picking my shoes up from my floor before throwing them into my closet. “Make sure you call Reece as soon as you find her so he can calm down and concentrate on giving me another daughter and maybe a grandchild.”

My eyes widen and I start laughing. “I think for now they’re enjoying the practice of baby making more than actually making one.”

“Your brother is very…protective of those he loves. He needs a huge distraction to take his mind off what you and Donovan are doing.”




“Oh, for goodness sake Mara. You’re eighteen years old—a woman. I don’t expect you to discuss things with me, but I’m not blind.” She stands in front of me, pushing the loose strands of my hair from my forehead. “You bloom, baby. Whenever he walks into the house, your whole face lights up,” she smiles, “and when you’re not looking he can’t take his eyes from you. I know, I more or less, gave you my blessing before, but honey, as soon as Reece is married you need to tell him that you’re in love with his best friend. It isn’t fair to Donovan and you, and it isn’t fair to Reece. He loves you both.” She kisses me on my cheek. “Now I’ve spoken my wonderful words of wisdom go and find your half-sister.”

She leaves me surprised in my bedroom. “Half-sister?”

I’m happy that she’s being cool about Dahlia today. God knows Dahlia could do with some friends in this house.

Slipping my feet into my boots, I grab my cell and manage to escape the wedding madness here.

It’s crazy, but I love it, and I can’t wait to witness my brother marrying Callie this afternoon, something that I certainly didn’t think would happen anytime soon. My mind of course jumps to my guy, Donovan. Wondering what he’s up to. Wondering if he’s ready to deck Reece from stressing out over Dahlia. I know I would be, I’m not the most patient of people.

Deciding that I need to talk to him, I press short cut three on my phone and listen as it starts to ring on his end.

“Morning babe,” he answers.


“Mara, what’s wrong?”

“Does something have to be wrong for me to call you?”

“No, but you sound odd—out of sorts.”

“I’m good, but I’m on my way to Kix, hoping Dahlia is going to be there. Apparently Reece can’t get hold of her so I figured I’d start there with her being with Ryder last night.”

“Where are you now?”

“At the crossroads,” I reply waving to Mr. Frederickson driving his 1953 Cadillac into town. It’s a gorgeous car; one that he’s obviously spent

a fortune on keeping in good condition. It’s a pity it doesn’t go much faster, although I have a feeling that has more to do with the driver than the vehicle.

“I’ll meet you at Kix. You shouldn’t be going there on your own.”

I laugh. “Donovan, it’s mid-morning not midnight.”

“You’re not twenty-one yet. I’m not sure Ryder will let you in.”

Tags: Lexi Buchanan Bad Boy Rockers Erotic