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“And one more thing—don’t ever call me ma’am. I know you’re a southern boy, but I’m eighteen not seventy.”

He cups my face in his hands. “I know exactly how old you are.” He kisses me. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He kisses me again. “Please try to keep your hands to yourself for the rest of the evening.”

“I will,” I cheekily reply while smacking him on the butt.

He growls.

“How are we going to explain our disappearance?”

That is something I never gave thought to.

“I ate a prawn and got sick.” I shrug. “You know how much I hate prawns, well so do my family so it’s realistic.”

“If you hate them why would you try and eat one?”

“Okay then. How about I couldn’t see what I was eating and as soon as it was in my mouth I wanted to hurl and came running to the restrooms and you followed to make sure I was alright.”

He shakes his head. “You realize how stupid that sounds, right?”

“Yeah, but if we both say the same thing and mean it then I don’t see the problem.”

I smile. “C’mon.”

Donovan groans as I open the door. I know my excuse is lame, but as I left the private room first it makes sense that I could have been sick and Donovan was worried about me. If I had to guess though I’d say no matter what I just told him, he still feels embarrassed at coming all over my bottom. I didn’t lie when I told him it was hot. I love the fact that I make him lose it like that. I’ve read books with dirtier things in them than what we’ve just done; I find that hot.

About to open the door into the private room, Donovan snakes his arm around my stomach.

“You go in first. I’m going to get some fresh air outside. It might not look as bad if we go in separately.”

“Okay,” I agree.

He kisses me on the back of my neck; sending shivers down my spine and making my nipples harden for his attention. Before I can fully turn, he’s released me. I turn and watch him stride past the stairs and out of the main doors to the club.


I freeze hearing my name on Sarah’s lips.

Chapter Eighteen


I’m coming unhinged. The idea of going back into that room and being unable to touch my girl is about to tear me in two. I love her, and that thought makes me want to hurl. I’ve never let anyone in to my heart before, but she’s been in it for a while now, and the more time I spend with her the harder it is to keep us a secret.

She’s seven years younger than me, although to be more exact, she is a little over six years younger by about five months. But the thought of her age is giving me a headache. I’m not going to walk away from her though—I can’t. God, I wish I smoked right about now.

After what we’ve just done in there I should be stress free, but no such luck.

“So this is where you disappeared to,” Reece drawls coming to stand beside me.

“Yeah. Aren’t you needed in there?” I point with my head in the direction we’ve both just come from.

“I need some fresh air.” He rubs his finger between his neck and collar. “I don’t know why I have to wear this thing when the wedding isn’t until tomorrow.”

I grin. “Callie really does have you in a noose.”

“You have no idea. That girl has me wearing a hard-on for her 24/7. I’m surprised it’s not snapped in two by now.”

Tags: Lexi Buchanan Bad Boy Rockers Erotic