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I reach out and take hold of Reece’s hand. “Please mom. I need and want him with me… I also need to stop talking because it hurts – a lot. Please accept my guy.”

Mom hides a smile, which causes me to blink thinking I’ve imagined it.

“I do honey. Reece, I’ll leave my daughter in your care.” Mom comes over and kisses me on the forehead before hugging a surprised Reece. She gives us both one last glance before she slips out the door, as silently as she came through.

“Wow.” Reece drops back into the chair.

The nurse comes into the room with a painkiller injection. “Doctor’s orders.” After injecting me, she leave us alone.

Feeling sleepier, and feeling my throat starting to go numb, I slide over in bed and pat the space to the side of me.

Reece takes his shoes off and then climbs onto the bed, pulling me into his arms. I’m safe wrapped up in my guy.

“I love you, Callie. So fuckin’ much.”

I hear Reece as sleep drags me under.

Chapter 28



I hear my name, but ignore the voice because I’m having one hell of a hot dream that involves a naked Callie on her knees using her mouth. The sensations running along my cock feels too damn good to open my eyes and lose the dream. The dream that feels real especially now that ‘Prince Albert’ is being played with.

“Reece,” the voice whispers across my neck. My eyes fly open as I arch into Callie’s hand.

“What the fuck?” I groan, closing my eyes again. “Callie.” Inhaling, I remove her hand, catching my breath when she strokes along my fully aroused dick as I finally get her hand out of my jeans.

I meet her gaze and see amusement sparkling in her blue eyes before a shadow covers them. “Touch me Reece. Make me forget he had his hands on me by putting yours on me.”

Oh boy! “Babe, we’re in the hospital and you’re hurt. It would kill me if I hurt you.” I kiss her forehead to take the sting out of my words. She’s badly bruised on her chest and the thought of hurting her more makes me sick.

About to pull slightly away from her, she starts to shake against me. Is she crying? “Callie… Baby.”

“It’s okay. You probably don’t want me now.”

What the fuck’s she talking about?

“Now someone else has had their hands on me.”

She’s left me stunned. By not wanting to put my hands on her bruised skin, have I left her doubting whether or not I still want her? “Look at me.” I tip her face up to mine and look into her beautiful eyes swimming with tears. “I love you and I’m not going anywhere. Yeah, I want to kill the bastard for doing this to you, but I still want you. I’ll always want you, Callie. Even when I’m being a dick, I’ll always love and want you. Don’t ever doubt that.” I kiss her soft lips. “I’m terrified of causing you pain.” I kiss the tip of her nose and inhaling, I tell her, “If you’re sure then I’ll kiss you better.” I grin, and after a few seconds she nods.

“Lie back for me… I’m only touching your chest, babe. The rest can wait until we really are alone.” I help her lie on her back and flex my arm a few times to take the pins and needles away, left over from having Callie sleeping on my arm for the few hours of sleep we’ve both had.

My girl is beautiful and what she trusts me with will always stay with me.

Because her injury is her chest the nurse put the hospital gown on back to front so that the fastenings are in front, which makes it easier for me.

Callie keeps her gaze locked on me as I very nervously open the first and second ties on her gown, and then taking a deep breath for courage, I spread both sides open and stare at her chest.

I’m not sure how long I’ve been staring, but she takes hold of my face, making me look at her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think. I just thought you’d be able to take away the pain. I should have realized it would hurt you seeing me like this.”

“It does hurt me seeing you like this.” I lean closer and rest my forehead against hers, closing my eyes, I inhale her scent. “Let me love you, baby.”

She spreads her legs so I move between and resting on my arms on either side of her, I start with soft kisses and licks over her collarbone before I work my way down to her black and blue breast. I place small kisses over her bruises, hoping I don’t cause her more pain. For someone so slim, she has very large breasts. They overflow my hands and seeing what that bastard has done to her is breaking something inside me. As I continue kissing her breast softly, I just want to go and cry so she doesn’t know how much what was done to her is affecting me.

“Touch my other one,” she asks in a whisper.

Tags: Lexi Buchanan Bad Boy Rockers Erotic