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She chuckled. “You heard that, huh?”

“Oh yeah.”

“I won’t. I’m not sure I have the strength to leave, at least not yet.” She wiped a tear away.

“I also heard about what Mia has planned for me. There is no way that would ever happen. She might try, but she wouldn’t succeed…I’ve never had sex with her Thalia. It’s been over twelve months since I’ve had sex with anyone.” Fuck, I felt myself blush.

“So I heard, but, well, you’re a guy.” It was her turn to blush.

I laughed. There was nothing else for it. “How did you hear and yes I’m a guy. My fist has had a lot of use.”

“Oh my God. I can’t believe you just told me that,” she mumbled through her hands, which were once again covering her face in embarrassment. I just roared with laughter.

“How did you hear, Thalia?”

Coming out from behind her fingers, she looked away, out into the distance, but would be unable to see anything because it was pitch black. “I overheard you in the kitchen with your dad. I was on my way in for breakfast when I heard you both shouting, so I thought it best to stay out…I wanted to go after you when you left to make sure you were okay.”

I smiled at her, she was beautiful inside and out. “Then I came back and nearly had you in the kitchen.”

“I wasn’t complaining,” she whispered.

My cock was hard and I was in danger of having zipper marks permanently imprinted along its length.

Standing, I walked to the kitchen door, then turned my head to look back at Thalia. “Don’t go anywhere. I’m just going to get something to eat. Do you want anything?”

She shook her head. “No I’m fine, thanks. Your dinner’s in the microwave.”

I froze at her words.

She looked embarrassed. “I made you some pasta with Italian sauce. I hope it’s okay. Liam told me you’d be home to eat so I made you the same as me.” She shrugged her shoulders.

“Thanks.” I turned and walked into the kitchen, letting the door close behind me. She’d totally stunned me. I didn’t think anyone since I was a kid had saved me dinner if I wasn’t there to eat it at the correct time.

Chapter 30


From the look on his face, I’d surprised Jack when I’d told him about his dinner being in the microwave. Hadn’t anyone done that for him before? The way his family treated him made me want to cry. Even my own family left me food in the microwave if I was late home.

I smiled remembering the look on Jack’s face when he’d appeared out of the blue just as I’d finished my conversation with Callie. He’d enjoyed overhearing me, much to my embarrassment. Well at least it solved the problem of what to do about Mia’s plan.

He certainly had no shame, telling me about using his fist. I blushed again, thinking about it, about his hand wrapped around his cock, stroking it up and down. I wanted to touch him like that and not just with my hand.

At that last thoug

ht, Jack pushed his way out through the door with his dinner in one hand and two beers in the other.

He put his plate down on the table, passing me one of the beers.


“Why are you pink?” he asked me, taking his seat again.

I gave him a wicked grin, which stopped him in mid-drink. “I was thinking about you stroking your cock.”

He started to choke.

Jumping up, I ran around the table and patted him on the back, but he gently pushed me away. After coughing his guts up he looked at me. “You better sit back down, because I’m in no condition to have you near me right now.”

Tags: Lexi Buchanan Bad Boy Rockers Erotic