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I want to protest. I want to get out of bed and figure out what's going on. I want answers.

But my throbbing head wants me to close my eyes and sleep, and when Kassam brushes his fingers along my jaw, I lean into that comforting touch and drift off.

When I wake up, my face feels like fire and I'm pretty sure there are at least six cats curled up against me in bed. There's a heavy weight on my chest, and when I open my eyes a crack, I see the black and white face of a large cat, licking its paw as it nestles against my boobs. The room is dark, moonlight pouring in through my window. "Kassam?" I manage to croak. "Are you here?"

Heavy feet pound on the floors and in the next moment, I see Kassam peek his head in.

At least, I'm pretty sure it's Kassam? But he looks different. His long, bushy beard is gone. In its place is a smooth, strong jaw. His thick, wavy hair is pulled atop his head in a knot and there's a long, slinky-looking tabby cat hanging over his shoulders. He looks boyish and young, and utterly delighted at the sight of me. "My light! You are awake once more. This is excellent news."

I rub my face, biting back a whimper as I accidentally brush my sore nose. "Why are all these cats still here?"

"Because they help me focus. I am learning that if my powers are siphoned off, my hedonism is less potent. So I am using them to siphon some of my energy. It might cause you a headache, though. Tell me if it pains you too much?"

As if I can notice any sort of head pain beyond my throbbing nose? But I manage a nod. "I think I'm okay."

"Excellent. Wait here. I will get you food and drink."

As if I'm going to leap out of bed. I want to just crawl back under the covers, but there's a fat cat shoving its way underneath the blankets as if they belong to him. I sit up slowly, wincing at jostling my tender head. My shirt slides off my shoulder, and I realize I'm in my loose sleepshirt. Kassam must have taken me out of my work jeans and polo. My bra and panties are gone, too. I reach over to turn on the lamp beside the bed. The moment the lights go on, I stare in shock at the greenery covering my walls. Wild vines cover every inch of my room, curling around my hanging art and dancing up the corners of the walls to the ceiling. I gaze at the trailing leaves and tiny flowers, and I notice that a lot of them seem to be coming out of the window itself, pushing in through the edges of the frame like determined fingers.

Uh oh. When I left my apartment, I didn't have plants in the bedroom. Wincing, I climb over the cats and out of bed, moving toward the window. A quick peek outside shows that massive vines are crawling up the side of the normally plain building front. Shit. Shit shit shit. The landlord is going to crap himself and I am going to get in so much trouble.

"My little light! What are you doing out of bed?" Kassam scolds me as he returns, bearing a glass of water and a box of donuts. "You should be resting."

"The greenery," I protest, gesturing at the window even as I move back toward the bed. "That can't be here."

"If anyone is upset, I will talk to them." He sets the food down on the nightstand and picks up a cat, moving it so I can climb back under the blankets. "Come. Rest."

Oh. I didn't think about that, but it's an excellent idea—Kassam can talk anyone out of their panties, even my asshole landlord. I curl up against the pillows as he leans over, fluffing them for me, and then sits on the edge of the bed. He offers me the box of donuts, which makes me pause. "When did we get donuts?"

"One of your neighbors," he says. "I went to one of the doors in the hall and told them you required food. They were quite gracious."

I'll bet. I can only imagine what that must have been like. "I hope they're not going to show up and try to bang my head in, too."

Kassam flinches. "I knew he was affected by my nearness, but I did not realize he'd take it out on you. It has been a while since I have been myself. Some of my knowledge is not what it used to be."

I nibble on a donut as another cat hops onto the bed and begins kneading the blankets. Chocolate cake donuts. My neighbor has decent taste. "That reminds me. You haven't told me your full story."

Tags: Ruby Dixon Fantasy