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Before I have time to process what he's doing, Kassam pulls the bigger toy free from my body and moves over me. "My wife," he says, sounding possessive as hell. "My anchor. My Carly." He sinks into me, and he feels bigger than ever, thanks to the plug still in my ass. I gasp, then lift my trembling, exhausted legs around his hips as he fucks me brutally, driving into me with a ferocious intensity that takes my breath away. "Mine alone."

And as I spiral into yet another orgasm, I'm dimly aware of how possessive Kassam is…and how much I love it. I don't think anyone expected him to be so feral and possessive when it comes to me, least of all him. Here I thought our marriage would be a sham.

I'm starting to realize that when Kassam promised forever, he meant it.


Sometime later, when Kassam is finished with me, the plug is removed from my backside and he releases my wrists and gives me a sponge bath. He kisses and cuddles me for a while, stroking my hair and snuggling as I drift in post-orgasmic bliss. He kisses me one last time and then tucks the blankets carefully around me before heading down to the feast in his honor. He's all energy, but I'm wrecked and exhausted. I doze off in a nest of pillows, sore but sated.

A heavy weight sitting on the edge of the bed wakes me up from deep sleep. I groan, rolling over on my side. "Back already?"

"I'm afraid not," says a voice that's not Kassam's. "He's supervising the orgy downstairs."

I open my eyes a crack, and glare at Seth, who is sitting inches away from me on the bed. I hug the blankets closer to my naked body. "How did you get in here? And did you say orgy?"

Seth laughs, the sound tight and humorless. "If you're worried, he's not participating."

"I'm not worried." I yawn and rise up on one elbow, trying not to wince at how sore my lower half is. Feels awesome, but sore. My face will probably be permanently red every time I think about what Kassam and I did earlier, but I decide it's just the price I'll have to pay. "How's Margo?"

"Safe." A look of annoyance crosses his handsome face. "A pain in my ass, but safe."

Good. I eye him. He's wearing long, sweeping white robes covered in expensive-looking embroidery of a deep blue shade, and I wonder briefly if those are his colors or Riekki's. His dark, short hair looks the same, right down to the rakish lock of hair over his brow, and he's wearing a metal circlet across his brow. He looks regal enough, though I don't know if he looks as godlike here as he did back home. "When did you get to Chandrilhar?"

"Lachesis dropped me here. You're full of questions, aren't you?" He smirks at me.

"Considering you've been hiding out, yeah. You're avoiding us."

Seth rolls his eyes. "Not avoiding. I was busy. And when I had time this afternoon, you and Kassam were here, holed up in your rooms and he was making you shriek like a banshee. Forgive me if I didn't barge in and interrupt."

Oh god. Are the walls thin here? Was I that loud? How humiliating. I grimace. "Point taken." He looks so irritated that I assume he's not afflicted by hedonism like Kassam is, or he'd be downstairs directing (or participating in) the orgy. "So which Aspect are you?" At his sharp look, I continue. "Kassam said that when the gods are walking the mortal realm they're cast into four different Aspects—hedonism, apathy, arrogance and lies. Which one are you? Not Hedonism, clearly."

"Not all the rules apply to me," he says vaguely. "I have an anchor, but I have not been split. Perhaps because I have not yet offended the High Father?"

"Give it time," I quip. "I'm sure he'll find you offensive at some point."

The look Seth gives me is withering. Oddly enough though, I'm not afraid of him. Maybe I should be, given that he's crept into my bedroom while I'm naked, but it's clear he's not interested in me physically. He looks at me like I'm a worm he has to tolerate. "Well," I say, fighting a yawn. "Kassam should be back in a little while, I'm sure. You guys can discuss plans when he returns. He's got plenty of them."

"Thank you for the reminder," Seth says, and I realize he's serious. He gazes down at me, thoughtful. "I admit, I came in here to satisfy my curiosity."

"About what?" God, this guy loves the smell of his own farts. Why is he still talking to me? I'm a worm in his eyes, barely worth noticing.

Seth continues to study me, his dark eyes glittering in the shadows. "Why he's so obsessed with you. Why he married you. Why he pretends that you're his equal." His lip curls slightly. "I have known many a fascinating human and you are not one. So I am trying to determine what it is about you that makes you so special in his eyes."

Tags: Ruby Dixon Fantasy