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“The General thinks,” Jake repeated slowly.

“So do we. All of us. We hoped you’d step into Tom’s shoes. More than that, actually. We’re all part owners of The Dream, of course, but we want you to be its CEO.”

“The paperwork is all drawn up,” Lissa said.

Caleb and Travis groaned.

“Paperwork?” Jake said carefully.

“Legal documents. Changes to the trust that holds El Sueño, that will reflect you taking over operations.”

Jake looked at his brothers.

“You went ahead and did this even though I told you that I’m not staying.”

“Oh, Jake,” Em said. Her sisters shushed her.

“Well, we were hoping you changed your mind.”

“Didn’t it occur to you to consult me?”

“Sure. But—”

Jake was angry. Angrier than the situation demanded. He knew that—but knowing it didn’t change a thing.

He shoved back his chair, tossed his napkin on the table and got to his feet.

“How nice of you all to plan out my life.”

“Hey, man, we aren’t—”

“Yeah. You are.”

“Look, El Sueño needs you. And you need El Sueño.”

And there it was. The cause of his anger. Jake leaned over, slapped his palms flat against the tabletop.

“What am I, the family rehab project?”

“Jake,” Travis said, “we love you.”

“Then don’t play at being my therapists,” he said, and he ignored his sisters’ voices calling after him and got out of the house before he said something he’d truly regret.

His car was where he’d left it last night.

Enough of this, he thought as he got behind the wheel. He had no idea what he wanted to do with his life but one thing was certain.

He wasn’t going to let anyone make his decisions for him.

Not anymore, he told himself grimly as he started the car and got moving.

He should have taken off first thing that morning.

He hadn’t wanted to hurt his sisters. And, dammit, that was exactly what he’d do, if he left now.

He thought about seeking out Travis and Caleb and telling them it was time they learned to mind their own business but he knew what they’d said was true.

They loved him.

Tags: Sandra Marton Billionaire Romance