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He grinned at her, raising her ire even more. “Did ya hear what ye just said? That makes no sense.”

“It does.” She waved her hand around. “I had responsibilities he never had to handle.”

“Then ’tis time he did take on some responsibilities. He’s a lad, not a bairn still in nappies, and will grow into a mon—if ye allow it.”

“If I allow it! Of course I want him to grow into a mon. It’s just that he is sensitive and shy. He is not the type to—”

“There is only one way to shut ye up, lass.” Evan pulled her flat against his chest, taking all the air from her lungs. Before she could inhale, his mouth covered hers in what could only be called a frenzy. He nipped, sucked, nibbled, and nudged her sealed lips until she opened. Then he entered with a vengeance, a master taking control.

His kisses, along with her lack of air, almost had her swooning. Something she never did, since only Sassanachs were so weak.

“Ah, lass, ye make me crazy,” he mumbled against her neck as he scattered kisses along her jawline to the soft skin underneath her ear, then back to her mouth again. His hands wandered over her shoulders and back, then covered her bottom, pulling her tight against him.

Her body relaxed against his warmth. Again, she had the urge to rip her clothes off—his too—in an attempt to cool off. Or continue with what he’d started, which would probably go much better without clothing.

Her own hands did some wandering of their own, over his muscled chest, large shoulders, and strong arms. The scent of soap, along with leather and man, teased her nose. Her fingers twisted his hair, and she held on for dear life, since she’d apparently lost all her common sense.

“Katie?” Gavin’s voice broke into her scattered mind, nudging her back to time and place. For goodness sake, she stood in the very visible stable, in the middle of the day, in a passionate embrace with the man to whom she’d come to deliver a set-down.

She pulled away, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. She turned and walked away, stumbling at first, until she accepted Evan’s hand to right herself. “Yes, my love,” she almost gasped breathlessly to her brother. “I am here. I only wanted a few words with the laird.”

He watched her anxiously. “Is he still going to take me riding?”

Riding? Was someone going riding? She hesitated for a moment, then smiled what she hoped didn’t look like a grimace. “Did you want the laird to take you riding?” Still trying to put the pieces of her mind back together, she ignored Evan when he walked up to Gavin.

“Aye. I would like to learn to ride. The other lads do, and they tease me about being afraid of horses.” He patted the old, weathered horse he held by the halter. “Except this one. This one is nice.”

Nice. She had to admit there was nothing at all frightening about this horse. He looked as though he would be happy to take a nap right where he stood. Katie glanced up at Evan, who stood next to Gavin, his arms crossed over his chest, and a smirk on his face. Oh, how she hated him being right. Especially when it came t

o her brother, whom she’d taken care of—by herself—his entire life. She should probably be happy that he’d found someone he trusted enough to teach him to ride.

But it should have been her.

She brushed the hair back from the lad’s forehead. “Are ye sure?”

“Aye, the lad is sure, mistress. ’Tis no need to continue to question him.” He clapped his hand on Gavin’s shoulder. “Shall we be off, lad?”

Obviously dismissing her, Evan began to instruct Gavin on how to mount a horse. She opened her mouth to suggest he use the mounting block when Evan turned in her direction. “I believe ye have more arrivals.” He nodded to the front of the castle where another group of weary travelers trudged up the pathway.

“Aye.” She hurried away, angry with herself for the tears that flooded her eyes at the idea of someone besides her teaching Gavin something. She swiped at her cheeks, and just as she arrived at the front door, she remembered she hadn’t talked to him about Gavin’s sleeping arrangements.

“Blasted man,” she murmured as she reached the crowd at the door. “Welcome. I’m glad ye made it safe and sound.” As she led the group into the castle, she turned to see Gavin and Evan slowly walking their horses from the stables. Gavin looked a bit nervous, but Evan chatted away, most likely in an attempt to calm the boy. ’Twas apparent that Evan worked quite well with Gavin.

Evan kept up a stream of conversation with Gavin, offering instructions and encouragement. The lad went from absolutely terrified to mildly anxious as they moved the horses forward. He was a smart lad, and even though he held himself stiffly, he would no doubt master riding in a short time. Most lads did. It amazed him that the poor boy hadn’t yet learned to ride. He shook his head at Katie being so clever and yet so protective of her brother.

That brought his thoughts right where he didn’t want them to be. Katie. His three attempts at marriage had put him off the idea of finding a wife. None of the lasses he’d taken to his bed had interested him in the way Mistress Katie Sterling did. But would he consider her for a wife?

The attraction was certainly there, and she was very receptive to his kisses. His blood warmed just thinking about their encounter in the stables. She was pretty, smart, and had a sharp tongue when riled. She was a healer, and confident enough to drag her entire clan across the country. After such a short spell, he was having a hard time keeping his hands off her. When she raised her saucy chin and challenged him, all he could think about was tossing her over his shoulder and finding the nearest room with any flat surface.

But with Mistress Sterling’s tendency to be a bit on the ornery side when it came to obeying his instructions, he didn’t need the headache of a woman who thwarted him at every turn, no matter how much he desired her warm, soft, and receptive body underneath him. He could wed and bed her only to lose her when she foolishly put herself into danger by ignoring his warnings.

Aye, marriage was not meant for him.

Pushing all of that to the back of his mind, he returned his attention once more to Gavin. At ten years there was so much more he should be doing. And sleeping with his sister was not one of them. He hoped the reason she had kept him so close was because of the threat by Richard Armstrong. That situation would make any lass nervous to leave her brother alone. But as long as the mon thought he had a plan to get to the lad by marrying Katie, Richard would not be too concerned.

However, now that Katie had made her escape, he would most likely be after her like a hound for a rabbit. Well, the mon was not going to get his hands on the lad, or the sister, either. He’d heard about those who preferred children in their bed, and it had always caused him to go from queasiness to pure rage.

Tags: Callie Hutton Scottish Hearts Historical