“It usually works to get their attention so they’ll come to the party.”

“So, you just really wanted me to come to that party.”

“I did. I searched all night for you there, hoping you’d show up.”

“Wait, you did?” I asked nearly spitting out my drink.

“I did.”

“No, you didn’t. You’re pulling my leg.”

“I’m not.”

The seriousness of his tone caught me off-guard. Did he really search for me at that party? I felt part of myself slide into a well of disappointment. I still wouldn't take back not going to that party. I’d never been a party person, and I wasn’t going to start simply because a handsome man slid an invitation into my back pocket. But the idea of meeting Everett sooner and having one of these wonderful conversations did made me wonder what else I had missed out on with him because I had judged him too harshly.

“Well, maybe the next party then,” I said.

“Is that a promise?” he asked.

“It’s a ‘we’ll see.’”

“Then I’ll take it.”

“Would you like something else, ma’am?”

I turned my gaze to the bartender before I looked down at my empty glass of lemon water.

“Could I get an appletini, please?” I asked.

“The signature drink that matches your eyes,” Everett said.

I smiled at him as my cheeks tinted with a blush.

“And for you, sir?” the bartender asked.

“A Jack and Coke, thanks,” Everett said.

“I hate my alcoholic beverages carbonated,” I said.

“I thought you didn’t drink much.”

“I don’t. But when I do, it’s never carbonated.”

“Why? Because it makes you burp?”

“No. Because it makes me bloated and sleepy.”

“Sounds like the perfect drink to have before bedtime then.”

“I don’t want to keep burping myself awake.”

“So, it does make you burp,” he said with a grin.

“Shut up.”

“You shut up.”

I smiled and shook my head at him as our drinks were handed to us.

Tags: Nicole Elliot Romance