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She sipped it, and the tea tasted of a warm, sunny wind on her face, full of the smells of green things: mint and grass and rosemary and fresh water, frogs and leaves and hay.

“The Duke of Teatime made it specially for you. He calls it the ‘Bishop’s Best Gambit.’” Halloween sipped from her own cup but did not tell anyone the name of the tea inside, for she was a shadow, and shadows keep secrets out of habit, even when they needn’t.

“I don’t care for gossip…,” began September hesitantly.

“Oh, come now,” Maud said, laughing. “You know it’s only called gossip when girls do it. We mean to parley. We mean to share information. For example, you needn’t worry about your friends. Oddson dropped them off in Mummery. He thinks you’ve had far too much help. They think the local pastries are dreadful. They’ll be waiting when you get there.”

“What about Saturday?”

Halloween fiddled with her tea-tag. “He’s very sick, you know. My Saturday, Saturday’s shadow, is sick, too. He doesn’t remember me at all anymore. Calls me Dryheart. Or just Miss. When he calls me Miss he says it so cheerfully that I feel as though I shall choke to death on his smile. He remembers his own name, of course. It’s only the story of us he’s lost. And he’s started pickpocketing in Tain. He’s very rude to anybody who catches him out. But dear enough that no one asks for their wallets back.”

September smiled sadly. “He was like that before … well, before you, Maud. Before the Marquess locked him up in a cage. I suppose if he lost that story, he’d have no reason left to feel shy. I’m sure if I can fix my Saturday I can fix yours, but I’ve no idea what to do. Do you? Is that what you’ve come to tell me?”

They shook their heads no.

“The Heart of Fairyland, then? Do you know what it is? Where it is?”

Again, the three women shook their heads.

“Then what is this all about?” September demanded. “What is the point of all this?”

Halloween glared at her. “We’ve gone to a lot of trouble, you know. You might act grateful! The point is survival. You might end up Queen, but have you seen the competition? You’ll probably end up dead. I would prefer that you not die, September, as it would have the inconvenient side effect of me dying, and I like not being dead.”

“I would also prefer to keep drinking tea and gossiping and looking after ducks and weeding my garden,” said the Marquess’s shadow. “But the trouble with villains is that they do tend to die at the end of the story. And if she dies…”

“Can’t keep them around to make trouble,” Halloween agreed. Lye whimpered softly. The Hollow Queen pushed the box wrapped in black paper toward September. She watched the sunlight glitter on the black bow.

“Did you grow up? When I did. When I was the Spinster. When the Yeti took my youth away. When I got lost in the rum cellar.”

Halloween said nothing for a long time. Then she reached out and touched September’s hair, her cheek, her long neck. “Yes,” her shadow whispered. “It was frightening. But didn’t we feel strong?”

September untied the black bow and tore open the black paper. She opened the box. Inside lay a green velvet cushion.

On the cushion rested the Rivet Gun.

Halloween, the Hollow Queen, grinned at September. “Okay, Nebraska. I want you to shoot me.”



In Which a City Decides to Crash the Party, Resulting in Many Reunions and the Fateful Firing of a Gun

Long, long ago, I told you how to find Pandemonium—the city moves according to the needs of narrative. When it smells a good story, the capital of Fairyland nips up and runs after it.

Mummery is not the capital of Fairyland, though it once was. For Mummery came first of all the Fairy cities, before Kvass or Blancmange or Myrtlewine or Almanack or Winesap Station or Flegethon City or Pandemonium. In Mummery, Fairies learned city tricks, to go along with their ancient country tricks of turning milk sour and beer flat and stealing away Changelings and turning shepherdesses into dragons. Alley Magic and Trapdoor Magic and Electric Magic and Loud Magic and Rubbish Magic and Takeaway Magic. But, like many oldest children, Mummery has always loved to tease and prod and play pranks upon everyone younger than it. (I shall leave you to guess whether your narrator got herself born first, last, or in the middle.) Pandemonium always struck it as an easy mark, too sunny and eager to please.

Mummery moves against the needs of narrative.

When the first Fairy city smells a good story, it cackles to itself and bolts off to break it. Should a young pixie need to rescue the gnome of her heart before the clock strikes midnight, Mummery will plant itself right in her path with a heavy mist on its streets so that she will be sure to lose her way. Should a unicorn seek vengeance against a gang of spoiled huntsmen who have a gentlemen’s club in the chic neighborhood of Foolscap, Mummery will make sure to rush its most fashionable streets under those silver hooves long before the beast finishes her training, or hide away in the hills until long after she has given up.

And should a girl need to find her way to Mummery once she has seized the Heart of Fairyland for her own, the city will seize her first. It will lurk behind a toll road until it can spring out and catch her when she’s got nothing but her wits to show for a long journey through the world. And it will pounce with great delight at having trod all over her third act and left muddy footprints everywhere.

Mummery lives to ruin the ending. And it has been very busy.

September came to town strapped for battle. She didn’t mean to look as fierce as she did, but she didn’t mean to come to town, either, so it hardly mattered. She carried the Greatvole’s whisker on her hip, her cuttlefish tattoo on her arm, the Rivet Gun and her wrench crossed on her back—and her shadow behind her, cast long and tall on the ancient roads of Mummery.

The city threw out its best sea fog so that September wouldn’t know she’d walked out of the woods around Winesap Station and into Mummery until she was deep in the high street of Foliotown. Only then did the sea fog begin to roll itself up like the awning over a shop in the morning. September looked out into a silent city. She knew it at once, without Ell to tell her, the way she knew how to drive the Bathysphere, the way she knew how to fix the gas stove. The thousand and four towers of Mummery loomed over her out of the mist. Curling jester’s hats full of windows and balconies cast harlequin shadows on the narrow roads. Juggling clubs and staves leaned at every angle, with lights on in their penthouses. Topless ladders rose everywhere, up into the fog and out of sight. Aerialists’ silks flowed from rooftop to rooftop to sword hilt to coin edge, connecting colored balls with tiled roofs and torches with shops in their tall trunks, concert halls within towers made of magicians’ scarves and universities within chalices studded with fake glass gems, trick ropes coiled as high as clock towers filled with dressmakers and bread bakers, cathedrals inside giant double-headed cheaters’ coins, blunted scimitars stuck in the earth of that fool’s city, so vast their hollow blades could hold a hundred banks.

Tags: Catherynne M. Valente Fairyland Fantasy